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Mar 13, 2022, 8 tweets

1.American citizen with a NYT press card (not employed by NYT since 2015) shot dead in a small fire attack at Irpen Checkpoint. Most probably by Ukranian territorial defense.

2. Another wounded American describes the same incident in Ukrainian hospital. Says we're shot at checkpoint.

Ukrainian territorial defense member gives his take on an incident, you can see concrete blocks of a checkpoint in the rear.

4. On a previous video the person said that shooting happened in Romanovka before Irpen which only has Ukranian checkpoints yet.

Video of body evacuation.

5. The maire of Irpen confirming today that 30% of the city is under Ukrainian control.
«На сегодня Ирпень не захвачен. 70% - это наш, украинский город. За 30% мы ведем бои», - мэр Ирпеня Александр Маркушин

6. NYT confirms that Brent Renaud wasn't working for NYT.

7. Ukrainian territorial defense randomly shoots at checkpoints.

8. Indirect Ukrainian admission.

Head of Irpen declares that journalists are no longer allowed to Irpen as they expose military positions put soldiers in danger by taking photos and videos.

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