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Mar 13, 2022, 40 tweets

One Piece Chapter 1043 Review

Death, Dreams & Destiny


The chapter begins with the latest instalment of the WCI cover story. Oven arrives with the prison book containing Niji & Yonji.

I've been chatting to a few people recently about Blackbeard's intentions & @zukudaking mentioned the possibility that Blackbeard & the Marines would move on WCI.

I think it's very possible that is where this cover story is heading.

One benefit of taking WCI, aside from the territory, would be that whoever won it would also gain the replica of Vegapunk's lab that Big Mom had created.

Blackbeard would love to possess such a thing

But that's a theory for another day, for now, let's get into the chapter.

The chapter starts right where we left off last week and we see the full impact of Luffy taking the hit from Kaido.

The disappointment in Kaido's eyes speaks more than any words could. It's almost like you can see his past traumas in that look.

As the hit lands, we see the allusive 3rd CP0 member reacting to it, knowing that it means the job has been done.

Luffy deflates out of Gear 4th & Kaido frowns regretfully at the sight.

This is where the first big shock of the chapter comes. We cut to Momo and he tells us that Luffy's voice is entirely gone. This didn't happen any of the other times he went unconscious

Monkey D. Luffy really died in this moment.

I was surprised to see that Kaido didn't then hesitate and all and 'Blue Scarf' didn't even attempt to run away. He just accepted his fate with a tip of the hat.

Next we see that the impact of this blow has finally caused the ceiling to cave in. Those on the Live Floor begin to panic more and more as escape becomes increasingly impossible.

Meanwhile, the final CP0 member seems to sense the demise of his colleague and also tips his hat.

@RandyTroy was right when he said

RIPper Scarfino

Kawamatsu begins trying to organise the Samurai to focus on escaping the fire as it grows out of control. It seems though that there is no way out.

Now this may be me being bias to my own agendas, but it definitely made me think of this scene

Unfortunately, this time the dragon that appeared wasn't there to save them from the fire, he came for the smoke.

Kaido proclaims that Momo must surrender and that Luffy is dead!

Those who still wish to fight, step forward.

Before we go further, this challenge from Kaido made me think back to Enel's survival came. I recently theorised that the Gorosei were the 5 survivors of Imu's game, but maybe we'll get something like that with Kaido as well.

Momo, Kid, Zoro & Yamato hold him off for Luffy?

We see that Kid & Law's will is beginning to waver as they question whether or not this can really be happening when they have no energy left to put up a fight.

Chopper also isn't taking the news well, but then we get a surprising reaction from Nami.

Nami doesn't believe Luffy is dead for a second and loudly accuses Kaido of lying, even calling him an 'oversized snake.'

This moment hits extra hard when we remember than Nami has been with Luffy since the beginning.

Beyond the emotional impact, this shows that Nami actually has considerable will power & Kaido even acknowledges this.

Calling the World's Strongest Creature an 'oversized snake' takes a lot of guts.

Kaido shoots at Nami but Marco blocks the attack & shouts not to give up.

Kaido has gone full resentment mode and angrily declares that he will now enact his plan to enslave Wano to produce weapons for him.

One again, it seems like Kaido is projecting some of his own history here

This next line most of all makes it seem like Kaido is speaking from his own experiences

"This is what it means to lose in war!! You gambled with you rights & dreams."

Kaido once again demands that Momo surrender and warns that if he does not, he will continue to take everyone out.

Encouraged by their captain's apparent victory, some fodder attempt to make a name for themselves by targeting Kid & Law. They seem unable even to react to this, so things don't look good against Kaido

Thankfully, their crew members jump in to protect them.

Now Killer has excuses, cause he's literally not there, but what is Bepo playing at? Jean Bart is doing his job

Get to work Bepo!

We cut away to see that Neko & Carrot have made it back inside the dome and are hearing the bad news.

I'm not sure what either of them can accomplish against Kaido but based on the panel beneath, it seems they will aid in the escape

Law & Kid would certainly be capable of putting up a fight but they are not in any fit state at all.

Kid essentially says to Law that if they're going to go out, they should go out fighting, essentially making a suicide pact.

The idea of a suicide pact is continued as we cut to Momo & Yamato. Momo is panicking and considering surrendering to Kaido. If Luffy couldn't win, what is the hope?

Yamato won't hear a word of it though and declares that surrender is not an option if you want freedom

Yamato warns Momo that he cannot repeat the mistakes of his father and the other Daimyos and that this time they must stand and fight, even if it means dying.

This shot of Yamato looking into Momo's eyes is very powerful. As Kaido rampages inside the castle, you can see the moment of resolve in Momo & Yamato's eyes.

Suddenly we cut back to Luffy on the roof and we see that he is not only out cold, his eyes have gone dark.

Kaido questioned whether or not the light would ever go out in Luffy's eyes and it finally has.

Luffy really died.

But then, a faint sound is heard from the distance. Zunisha notices it at once.

I can hear it.

The Drums of Liberation!

Joyboy has returned!

But wait a minute. Luffy died? What is going on? Joyboy is an alter ego?!

This is still unconfirmed but this reveal may prove that it was Luffy's fruit that the Gorosei were talking about in 1037.

Previously i'd said this couldn't be the case but now it seems they were referring to it by it's unique name


Could it be that Joyboy is the fruit itself?! If so, this creates dozens of massive implications. Biggest among them being that Shanks knew exactly what he was doing

In fact, when we look at the lyrics of Bink's Sake and notice how they reflect the exact current situation, the implication this creates is that Shanks was acting to make sure the words in the lyrics were fulfilled.

Shanks delivered Bink's Sake

I've seen a lot of people comment that Luffy being Joyboy is a fumble & that making him a chosen one was a mistake. I believe this is not the case & that Oda is doing this quite intentionally. He won't ever introduce destiny without it being in balance with the theme of dreams.

I believe that the way Oda will handle this is by making it the moral dilemma in Luffy & Shanks' fight. It's now apparent that Shanks wanted Luffy to reach this moment before they met & that it was Shanks who imposed this destiny on Luffy to begin with.

In this moment, Shanks not only challenged Luffy to chase his dreams, he literally obstructed it by imposing a destiny on Luffy that would seem to conflict with his dream.

However, Shanks will likely convince Luffy that fulfilling Joyboy's will is necessary to become Pirate King

That's all i've got for this one, thanks for reading 🙏

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