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Mar 13, 2022, 34 tweets

1] Yellow Citizens

Summary of @nelsonchamisa's speech in Beitbridge:

Thank you Beitbridge citizens for braving the threats I'm told you were receiving from the state from yesterday. That's vintage ZanuPF. Violence shows a behaviour of people who know they are on their way out

2] @nelsonchamisa:

We are here to campaign for the March by-elections, yet fully away of the real fight, coming in 2023 where I'm going to finish off ED.

We will imitate whay transpired in Malawi & Zambia, & deliver a landslide victory because we are number 1.

3] @nelsonchamisa:

We are winning in 2023 because we are # 1. After 2023, we will restore Zimbabwe to be #1. We will be #1 in sports; functional economy; national wealth.

When we lift the finger ☝ it symbolises that we are #1 and we are going to win in 2023 because of that.

4] @nelsonchamisa:

We were in Marondera yesterday and I want to thank Mr Mnangagwa for allowing us to address loads of police officers. I addressed & assured them that a new Zimbabwe will benefit them too.

Our new citizens government in 2023 will change our governance culture.

5] @nelsonchamisa:

After 2023, we will introduce modern & digital policing, & take off our police officers from roadblocks.

I hear you say: 'ngaapinde hake mukoma'. Kupinda kwemukomana means jobs; stable economy; wealth; functional systems border; citizens happiness.

6] @nelsonchamisa:

Let me reinforce what I told citizens in Marondera, the police force belongs to all Zimbabweans

We are not looking forward to changing our police officers, but reforming the police force

We want to reinstate rule of law. Our citizens gov won't abuse anyone

7] @nelsonchamisa:

In a new Zimbabwe, anyone who beats, injures or kills anyone, will go to jail.
Politics isn't a boxing match, but a contestation of ideas.

ZanuPF say Chamisa won't lead even if he has popular support. If the citizens so wish, I'll lead & fix what you failed.

8] @nelsonchamisa:

ZanuPF says they won't allow Chamisa to take over yet after 40 years, they failed to achieve

Here in Beitbridge, citizens still struggle with basic services such as water, yet gov prioritizes selling it to SA.
There won't be misplaced priorities under my gov

9] @nelsonchamisa:

Besides poverty in this town, there is total chaos at the Beitbridge boarder because of ZanuPF misgovernance.

After 40 years, one TV, one party, one President as if we have manpower crisis.

ZanuPF, you've run your race. It's time for the Yellow movement.

10] @nelsonchamisa:

During the GNU, we showed glimpses of our capabilities. Look at the Ministries we were running. I promised Mugabe we would make simcards cheaper than tomatoes,& we delivered

Give mukomana a chance in 2023 & see how much more we will deliver without hindrance

11] @nelsonchamisa

I'm here to also explain that we have left the red movement.
They stole the red garments, MPs, Councillors, HH, our name, slogan, open palm, but we came back with a diff strategy

When we raise the finger, we mean we are 1 people & this country belongs to God

12] @nelsonchamisa:

Raising of the finger ☝ means if we are united as one pple, with one vision, we can't be defeated

It is you the citizen who commanded that we start afresh.
They are already complaining that the new is too strong.

These by-elections, are just a warning shot

13] @nelsonchamisa:

CCC is now a phenomenon even externally. They talk about us in SADC, AU or even European Parliaments

Thank you Zimbabwe for emphatically embracing CCC
In Bulawayo they're saying: kangene umfana.
In Binga they're saying: twalumba murika boto, nganjile mulombe

14] @nelsonchamisa:


We are putting back the citizens at the center of everything.
It was the citizens who fought the liberation struggle yet they've since lost their dignity.

We want to fix the economy and restore the dignity of the citizens.

15] @nelsonchamisa:


Many retire to bed fearing their safety. We want to restore citizens protection.

Yellow means more. More money; more jobs; more power; in Beitbridge it means more water.

Vote us to fix all your local problems.

16] @nelsonchamisa:

We want to bring a new culture. We want leaders, not rulers. Leaders aren't bosses, they are servants. They don't force themselves on the people.

When you see that you've voted for someone who's incompetent, me included, recall them from their elected office

17] @nelsonchamisa:

I'm ready to lead. Tsvangirai taught me a lot. There were also lessons from Mugabe. I picked the good & left the ugly.

I already have a clear strategy on what needs to be done to fix this country.

I'm however concerned by the ever rising political violence

18] @nelsonchamisa:

Mboneni Ncube from Kwekwe, & others who have died in this struggle, didn't die in vain.
They died for change.

I however implore you to citizens to resist provocation.
We don't want violence & spilling of human blood.
We want peace.
We are all one people.

19] @nelsonchamisa:

Those in ZanuPF who've been in government for over 40 years should accept that they've had their time.
They can't keep asking for more time. Ask them what will they do which they haven't had time to achieve.

We are already facing a fuel price hick crisis.

20] @nelsonchamisa:

Currently, when you purchase fuel, for almost every litre, 47c goes to taxes & is collected by the gov.
This is why our fuel is most expensive in SADC yet we all have similar sources in the region.

This shows government's deliberate hand in the fuel hicks.

21] @nelsonchamisa:

These rises in fuel prices will trigger rise in other commodities.

Already our teachers are struggling, receiving the worthless RTGS.
Under our gov, we will firstly revert back to the pre-2017 salary of US $540 while looking at improving it even further.

22] @nelsonchamisa:

I heard the Min of Energy saying dump your vehicle & use vehicles.

It's a sign of disrespect, cluelessness & admission of failure.

I see they're now even threatening our cultural values through laws that will reverse the lobola practice.
We'll resist this.

23] @nelsonchamisa:

Vote for our local candidates as we set the pace for 2023

We all need to register & vote emphatically so that we defeat rigging.
A baboon can never steal all the maize in a big farm.

ZEC should be warned that this time around, we are fully focused.

24] @nelsonchamisa:

We are fully focused on all loopholes that were used against us last time

We observed that they rigged in 2018, in those areas we didn't have polling agents.

This time around we will only leave the polling stations on our way to State House, mukomana apinda

25] @nelsonchamisa:

ZanuPF should know that we won't tire, in our quest for change.

Tsvangirai handed me the mantel & instructed that we carry foward, with my team.
Tsvangirai should rest well, knowing the fight is still on & we are finishing it off.

26] @nelsonchamisa:

We demand:

•Easy access to vote registration
•The diaspora vote. We can't benefit from remittances yet depriving them of their rights
•A credible biometric VR
•Polling Station results announcement. They claim verifications at their HQ so they can rig.

27] @nelsonchamisa:

Our Great Zimbabwe Agenda:

Let's revert back to the use of USD and a basket of other currencies temporarily, until we've fixed our productivity; financial discipline; policy consistency.

28] @BitiTendai:

We will prioritise bringing back the stable USD currency & ensure civil servants, farmers all get USD

We need to stabilise price rocketing & deal the multiple price system.

We need an economy that brings back the dignity of all workers & all the citizens.

29] @BitiTendai:

Citizens have suffered through unemployment; perennial tenancy; cross boarder trading which has exposed us to abuse in the diaspora; as well as informal trading.

The citizens movement, CCC will bring back dignity to the people of Zimbabwe.

30] @Welshman_Ncube:

In 2023, once we have Chamisa in office as the new President, we will implement a plan that will see us reopen old and opening new industries.

A stable currency will make it possible for us to reindustrilize our economy.

31] @KarenyiKore:

Its important for all Zimbabwean women to rally behind this party & usher in a new gov led by Adv Chamisa

Under Pres Chamisa's gov:

•gov will take care of senior citizens
•free maternal services for women at state hospitals
•free education for grade 1-7

32] @nelsonchamisa:

We are not promising permanent use of the USD. We only need it to stabilise our economy before reverting to a strong local currency
Within 10 years, we will build a US$100 billion economy
We are already targeting 7 pillars, in our economic resuscitation plan

33] @nelsonchamisa:

We will work on resuscitation of our local infrastructures.

We will have a lean government of between 12-15 Ministers, without deputies nor State Ministers.

The government should be working for the people, & creating jobs in industries & the pvt sectors

34] @nelsonchamisa:

We'll fully implement devolution & decentralise services provision

Every city should benefit from devolved power

A new Zim is on the horizon

Continue registering to vote
Continue preaching peace
Hatina hasha, tinofamba ne nyasha.

Thank You Beitbridge 💛

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