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Mar 14, 2022, 13 tweets

🌺Pattachitra Paintings🌺
Originated in the east Indian states of Odisha &West Bengal,Pattachitra is a scroll painting done on cloth.The name has been derived from a Sanskrit word which when broken into 2 parts,' Patta‘means cloth & ‘Chitra’means picture.…

Pattachitra form of art is closely related to the cult of Lord Jagganath and the temple traditions in Puri. The art form is considered to as one of the most living art forms of Odisha and has been in practice even now.…

The Pattachitra artform narrates mythology and folktales through their designs. The art form has been practiced by the Chitrakar Community who hail from Raghunathpur village in Puri. The traditions of Pattachitra paintings are more than 1000 years old.

The interesting fact about the people of Raghunathpur village is that every family of the village is engaged in crafting such as patta painting, wooden toys, stone carving, etc. They are highly talented artists whose line of heirs has been involved in this.

The Chitrakars prepare their canvas by coating a gauze-like fine cloth with white stone powder and gum made out of tamarind seeds. The canvas gets ready with this process. The canvas accepts natural made colours. The gum of the kaitha tree is the chief ingredient, used as a base.

Many interesting histories and traditions have been followed to date. Every year during Debasnana Purnima in Puri Jagganath Temple, the three deities are given baths in 108 pots of cold water. Later they become sick and  go into 15 days of ‘Anasara’.

At that time, the Chitrakars are supposed to make paintings of Lord Jagganath, Subhadra, and Balabhadra for the public to pay obeisance and are known as ‘Anasar Patti’

Over the years, the Chitrakars are expertising in this art of Pattachitra.

This form of art has a set of rules to be followed. They compulsorily carry borders around the paintings. They also use predominant solid natural colours only. After completion of the paintings, the canvas is held over charcoal fire and lacquer is applied to the surface.

Pattachitra is a predominantly iconic painting. Popular themes of the art form are BADHIA(Depiction of the temple of Prabhu Jagganath), KRISHNA LILA(an enactment of Jagannath as Sri Krishna displaying his powers as a child),DASABATARA PATTI (the 10 incarnations of Sri Vishnu),..

...and Panchamukhi (a depiction of Lord Ganesh as a five-headed deity). Pattachitra style is a mix of both folk and classical elements. Their dress had Mughal influences. Though these paintings are very detailed, yet the lines are very fine, solid, and neat.

Another extension of this Pattachitra style was trying on palm leaves. It is also known as Tala Pattachitra in Odia. The leaves are extracted from the trees, left to harden, and then they are sewn together to form a canvas. Using white ink, the outlines of images are done.

Tourists often carry Pattachitra paintings on leaves as souvenirs. The artists of the village believe in preserving the Heritage art that they received from their ancestors.

The traditional art, craft, and handloom of the state need to be in priority.

National level trade fairs are the best platforms to represent these arts as well as promote our State culture. The form of art still survives because of its uniqueness and intricate detailings. There are plans to set up centers in Odisha to teach this art form to people.

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