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Mar 14, 2022, 14 tweets

1] Postcard from Zimbabwe Grounds

Pursuant of the ancient wisdom "dzokororo ine simba", Simboti decided to redo his Harare Rally, after the unsurprising, yet embarrassing Zororo ground disaster.

Took time later on, to watch the rally, and a few things are becoming clear.

2] In terms of optics, one wonders why they decided to redo the rally

Evidently, Zororo Rally (1st pic) had predominantly Hararians, while for Zimbabwe Grounds rally (2nd pic), they mobilised from far & wide

If the end was supposed to justify the means, this was a disasterclass

3] Secondly, there is leadership deficiency in MDC

It doesn't help matters that the leader himself is incoherent.
He stammers & easily confuses himself

There isn't a single orator in MDC-T, who can "work a crowd"

I've attended funerals more enjoyable than the MDC-T gatherings

4] Rallies should leave those attending informed, rejuvenated & excited.

This is politics 101!

Forget about Chamisa, CCC boasts of Cecilia, Fadzi, Os, Madzore, Job, Biti, MaKhumalo, Prof, Chibaya, Kore, Madzibaba veShanduko, etc

In comparison, who are their equals in MDC-T?

5] Thirdly, MDC-A coalition is dead.

If anything, these rallies are merely it's funeral procession.

Except for Guchuti, one can't identify any other MDC-A leader.
They don't even get mentioned by name.

In fact, the MDC-A President, Chair, & Spokesperson are all MDC-T members.

6] In terms of optics, how will historians explain that the on the pics below, of rallies held at the same venue, the Yellow party was a month old, while the red party was 22!

Who will belive those in red were a 6 parties coalition, with MPs, Senators, Councillors & Mayors?

7] Fourthly, MDC-T rallies have exposed Mwonzora's deep lying anger, frustration & resentment over Chamisa.

Claiming Bona Mugabe is attending CCC rallies & that the ☝ finger symbolises that CCC a terrorist organisation is reckless stupidity.

The rationalist has gone nuts.

8] Whereas the claim that "Chamisa's Cabinet is full of G40s" is preposterous, it equally exposes Mwonzora

It was him who wanted G40 (RG) to fund his Chamisa fight

Also, how does he balance his 'anger' towards G40s, with his calls for dialogue with ED, & rational disputation?

9] Lastly, Mwonzora clearly has no focus whatsoever, on electoral contestation with ZanuPF.

It should worry any well-meaning MDC supporter, who sees their party as a vehicle to unseat ZanuPF, seeing that the core message from their leader, in a campaign season, is "dialogue".

10] Mwonzora actually can't wait for by-elections to pass, so that he can proceed with his GNU talks with ED.

If he had it his way, he would have scrapped the by-elections off, as he evidently sees them as a stumbling block, yet he caused them

It's a strange political behaviour

11] Whereas desperately calling for dialogue, & even name calling those he labels 'howling & growling enemies of democracy', its unclear what he would bring to that table.

In comparison with NC & team, who in MDC-T has a track record of delivering, as an official during the GNU?

12] Politically, Mwonzora is exposing his fear of elections.

His rallies have been exposing

His rallies also show that he's very thin on policy, with no understanding of statecraft

Externally, he has no political footing.

What then does Mwonzora bring to a NATIONAL DIALOGUE?

13] But ofcourse, we know that Mwonzora wants to take a different route to State House.

Because he's unelectable, he now wants to use a GNU to get close to government, become a PM, & then wiggle his was to the Presidency.

He's so naive & thinks ZanuPF factions don't see this.

14] Soon, he'll realise that he will become game, to ZanuPF.

Good thing is that @nelsonchamisa left this drama behind.

Without the MDC name fights which gave Dougie relevance, he's being exposed.

In his own words yesterday, Nero said, "kugona muroyi, kurega kuzvara".


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