Stephen McIntyre Profile picture

Mar 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Ukrainian government is now officially publishing racist ideologies long espoused by Ukrainian neo-Nazis. US and NATO claim that such ideology was fringe, but it isn't. It's fundamental to understanding conflict.

Claims of Ukraine government have to be read to be believed. They say that Ukrainians come from pure Slavic stock, while Russians are a form of mongrel ("mixed" with Ugro-Finnic tribes).

Facebook has recently announced that it now permits of Azov Battallion, currently being cheered on by US media for its defense of Mariupol. Azov Battallion was founded by Andrii Biletsky, now leading militia in Mariupol.

Here is a 2008 manifesto from Biletsky entitled "Ukrainian racial social nationalism".… Worth reading to understand exactly who US media and politicians are backing.

US ally Biletsky calls for "Racial Purification of the Nation", says Ukrainians are "one of largest and highest quality of European White Race" and must "lead White Nations around the world in last crusade of its existence. A campaign against Semitic-led inhumanity." Disgusting

US-backed (and Facebook approved) Biletsky calls for a "Greater Ukraine" and proposes construction of "our Superpower-Empire" "hich will be the legal successor of the Scythian and Kievan Rus' empires." A new Third Reich, so to speak.

US-backed Biletsky closes manifesto by calling on "all the ancient Ukrainian Aryan values, forgotten in modern society. Only their revival and implementation by a group of fanatical fighters can lead to the final victory of European civilization in the world struggle."

While Twitter has closed many accounts that challenge US narrative, Biletsky continues to tweet from the front lines of Mariupol.

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