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Mar 15, 2022, 7 tweets

SPPD reports a homicide investigation is underway after a woman was found dead at 17xx Wynne Ave. Responders had been dispatched to a warehouse on a report of a woman on fire.
Suspect Patrick Morris Simmons, 47 was arrested by Bloomington PD near his home, which was on fire.

Oh, Patrick Simmons was supposed to be civilly committed as mentally ill last year, but the commitment was stayed by Hennepin County Judicial Officer Danielle Mercurio.

Hennepin County Judicial Officer Danielle Mercurio.
Appointed: April 19, 2021

Pic of the Bloomington house fire.
From Bloomington Community Group.

Patrick Morris Simmons.

"Simmons went to the victim’s work in St. Paul and stabbed her repeatedly in front of up to 20 witnesses. He then poured gasoline on her and started her on fire, the source said."…

Bloomington police released a statement this morning on the arrest of Patrick Simmons in their city. He's accused of setting his own home on fire after having fled from murdering his ex Kelli Ranning Goodermont, 44. (Described as stabbing several times and lighting her on fire)

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