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Mar 16, 2022, 7 tweets

Angela Rayner asks "whether the lazy comments of the Prime Minister worsened the situation" in regards to the detainment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.

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"Is there any time he overruled or ignored direct advice from the British security services?"

@AngelaRayner replaces Keir Starmer in #PMQs today as she squares off against Dominic Raab.

Read Kate Mossman's interview with Rayner here:…

"British intelligence reportedly warned against the granting of peerage to the Prime Minister's close friend and now Lord Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia" - @AngelaRayner in #PMQs

Read an analysis of why Lebedev is a headache for the Conservatives here:…

"It shouldn't matter how much champagne and caviar he served."

@AngelaRayner presses further on the issue of oligarch influence over the Government in #PMQs.

Read more here:…

"The Prime Minister has gone cap in hand from one dictator to another" - #PMQs

Read an analysis of the UK's reliance on foreign oil here:…

"What first attracted the Prime Minister to the Billionaire Russian oligarchs?"

@MattWestern_ questions the PM's choice of tennis partner in #PMQs

Read more here:…

"I shouldn't have been sending letters to the authorities in Ukraine and Poland, the Home Office should."

@Ianblackford_MP challenges the Government's response in accepting refugees from Ukraine, in #PMQs

Read more here:…

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