Samantha Asumadu Profile picture
Award losing journo. Reporting @Trapped_Pod

Mar 16, 2022, 8 tweets

BBC IPlayer
BFI player (I forgot to cancel the trial now figure I need to get my moneys worth. Watched 30 mins of La Haine so far)
BRITBOX (currently on 14 day free trial so I can watch Red Riding again, pls god let me remember to cancel it 🙏🏾)

And I am staying in a house without Internet for a month 😏
Does have a jacuzzi tho 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿

Finally getting round to watching Red Riding before my Brit Box subscription runs out 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿
(I downloaded it in the Glasgow Modern Art gallery library on Tuesday)

Forgotten what a great cast it has! Mostly before they were famous, but lots of good established actors too,

So many British mainstays!

"You're fucking pathetic, just a hack!"
Red Riding airing the whole British commentariat. Just the cherry on the top that it's Eddie Marsan pissing on himself!

Blooming eck, look who it is!

Paddy Considine! 😍

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