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Mar 17, 2022, 25 tweets

I fuckin’ hate it when buttholes use my diabetic situation for BS political fodder.

In response to recent $35-for-insulin stuff in the US
there’s been an explosion of misinformation & willful ignorance about the ex-prez’s record.

🧵seems y’all need an expletive-laden thread…

An executive order was signed in July 2020 that wouldn’t go into effect until Jan 22, 2021.
Its stated aim was to lower insulin (& EpiPen) prices for low-income clients at FQHCs.

Cool window dressing, but it actually wouldn’t have even done that……

The proposed EO rule would’ve barely budged the already “low” price of insulin for low-income community clinics.

What it really would do was:
add excessive red tape & burden to health systems
creating a reduction in services for the poverty-stricken……

The EO only affected Fed-purchased prescription drugs via the 340B program for community clinics, which is crazy vital for poor diabetics & others to survive while they’re scraping by.…
340B has been around since before that unforgettable party in ‘92…

What 340B or the EO doesn’t/didn’t do is affect insulin prices charged elsewhere…

The reality is that it would’ve reduced insulin prices by pretty much fuck all… for anyone.
Definitely not down to $35

So before it took effect it was rightfully & legally rescinded…

As in: it was never ever in effect.


"By their very nature EOs lack stability, especially in the face of evolving presidential priorities. The president is free to revoke, modify, or supersede his own orders or those issued by a predecessor."…

Rescinding EOs ain’t unheard of.
Esp. ones going into effect after a prez leaves office.

But agencies affected must first sort out if it’s legally justified.

(Trump did this with DACA, but failed b/c… laws)

So his “access” EO was patently trashed…

By now this should be clear…
His EO was designed to sound good, but would only damage health services for the poor.

How on-purpose it was could be debated,
but it ain’t the first underhanded attempt to dismantle health systems for someone’s profits……

So to those that still think insulin prices dropped a ton under Trump and were driven back up under/because of Biden…
1. They simply did not.
2. What timeline are you living on?
3. Screw you for making me sound like I’m defending Biden.…

If one believes their insulin was cheaper under the ex-prez, then they should be able to provide receipts showing after “the cap” kicked in under Trump
and when it went back up under Biden.

For the rest of us…

Just don’t be this cunt below who went MAGA-viral last year by copying some poor lady who went viral in 2020 for having actual issues w/ her kid’s CGM (not insulin)…

Sorry, but this Karen ain’t going to FQHCs
nor was there a 5x rise in prices no how…

Straight up fuçk obvious made-up stories about our health/financial predicaments that others will willfully not look into to see how BS it is!

I already did this a year ago FFS.
Yet, here we are again… you putrid buttholes.

But if you’re still with me, I’ll continue…

So no EO
no change to insulin prices for the vast majority of diabetics in the US happened.

But giving credit where it’s due… under the ex-prez the CMS added a $35 cap on insulin for seniors w/ Medicare Part D plans!

But there’s a few buts……

Medicare is for Americans 65+ years old.

So if you’re whining about losing a $35 cap on your kid’s insulin, that means your child’s been a senior citizen for a while now
& you’re probably way too old for Twitter.

Yes I’ve seen this & I call bullshit on all you dorks.

Also it only affected plans with Part D, which has had relatively low prices for a while now.

Part D is only in premium Medicare (private/market) plans.

33% of Medicare enrollees don’t get the $35 insulin cap b/c they don’t have Part D plans……

Seniors (that qualify) are increasingly joining Part D plans, but there’s some issues…

The savings from a $35 cap can get wiped out by often expensive premiums that are tied to the insurance companies selling them.

Also, deductibles rose quite a bit under the ex-prez…

But the thing is IT’S STILL IN EXISTENCE!

It’s easily verifiable with one link to Medicare’s own site.
The $35 cap is right there.

Go ahead and click on it…

(gotta thank this dork for pushing me down that rabbit hole)

So no matter how you cut it…
Insulin prices didn’t drop wildly & then shoot back up after Biden came in.

Hell, insulin prices were never lowered under Trump.

It’d take a few dimensional portals & time machines to make that happen.
Sorry, but we’re not there yet.


Stop the bullshit fanboy narratives. It’s worn out & embarrassing for the rest of us.

FFS, you’re making up BS to glorify the goof who hired Alex Azar (a dick who oversaw insulin prices rise by 325% as Eli Lilly CEO) to head the HHS.

As a type 1 diabetic, it’s frustrating AF to see our health used for political BS.
But T1Ds know our shit b/c this is not a fuçkin’ hobby…
So we pay attention and we share & communicate with each other… a lot.

So fuçk y’all’s gaslighting.


I’ll end on 21, as that’s how old I was when I was diagnosed as a diabetic while in the US Army.

I’m pedantic, so I’ve got piles of sources, but thought I’d keep it simple & straightforward.
If ya need more, lemme know.
I’ll inundate this thread with ‘em.

ThanX for readin’

Some people are bringing up the EO expanding the family FQHC coverage from the sliding 200% of federal poverty level ($34,840) to 350% ($60,970).
Which sounds good and we should be covering more people, but the EO would not increase funds for FQHCs and…

…on top of that
Because of proposed eligibility requirements different from established federal guidelines,
privacy issues would arise as non-medical staff would be needed to figure out who was eligible.
(does HIPAA not matter to trumpers now?)

…And recipients couldn’t just show up at an FQHC to pick up insulin either. They’d have to be regular clients to qualify.
(so much for that “I want my choice of doctors rhetoric”)?

Regardless, over & over experts point out that it would’ve only helped a rather small amount of diabetics.
Which most of those affected were getting cheap or free insulin already.

And without increased funds, you got clinics providing less services.


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