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The best source for Android OS news. Editor-at-large @AndroidAuth, Co-host @AndroidFaithful.

Mar 17, 2022, 27 tweets

Here's everything I found in Android 13 Developer Preview 2 (thread)

The settings and power menu buttons have been moved to the bottom of the notifications shade.

There's a new foreground service manager that shows apps running in the foreground. Whenever there's a foreground app, you'll see text at the bottom of the notification shade that shows the # of active apps. Tap that and a dialog appears, showing which apps.

If you previously granted an app Android 13's new runtime permission for notifications, then Android may ask if you want to let an app continue sending you notifications.

Do Not Disturb mode has been renamed to Priority mode.

DP2 includes the first hint of the major screen saver revamp that I previously talked about. The screen saver page now shows previews.


Android 13's taskbar now includes an app drawer!

The Accessibility magnifier now has a "follow typing" setting that makes the magnification area follow the text as you type.

As I mentioned previously, Fast Pair is being added to AOSP, and now DP2 includes a toggle for it in Settings. blog.esper.io/android-13-dee…

There's a new Quick Setting tile to launch Privacy Controls, where you can toggle camera, mic, and location availability. It also includes a shortcut to launch security settings. The UI seems rather unfinished, though.

"Show touches on screen" is there in SystemUI's screen recorder in Android 13. It was removed in Android 12L due to an issue with how the cursor is drawn.


The new media player and media output picker UI I first revealed are now enabled by default in Android 13 DP2!

The redesigned output picker also added a "pair new device" button that wasn't there in DP1.



The new Material You dynamic color styles work in DP2! Here's TONAL_SPOT, VIBRANT, EXPRESSIVE, and SPRITZ in order. I'll share how to enable them soon :)


The UI when creating a new profile has been updated.

When enabling freeform multiwindow support in Developer Options, a new dialog tells you to reboot the phone to properly enable it.

Android 13 prepares to add a "kids mode" nav bar that hides the recents and changes the icons for back and home.

Screwed up the thread (I blame Twitter's UI), so here's an embed of tweets you may have missed:


And another:

Android 13 includes a hidden developer option for toggling Memory Tagging Extension (MTE), a new feature of Arm v9 CPUs!

(More info on this soon!)

CC @RonAmadeo

Taking a short break to update my Android 13 deep dive article with all these findings.

Go here for the more in-depth explanation on everything that I tweeted about: blog.esper.io/android-13-dee…

Recorded this video to show off the new Accessibility magnifier feature that follows the text as you type.

Ugh, Twitter threads. Sorry for screwing it up again, here's a tweet you may have missed:

Granular vibration sliders have been added to control alarm and media vibrations.

"Font size" and "display size" settings have been consolidated into "display size and text", where you can see a preview of how your font/display size affects text/icon sizes.

Per-app language settings are now available in DP2. This used to be hidden behind a feature flag in DP1.

Legit think Twitter is messing up somehow. I keep going back to "Add another Tweet" in the thread, but it sometimes adds it as a reply to another tweet.

Anyway, ICYM this:

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