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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Mar 18, 2022, 8 tweets

The kabadiwala has stopped asking for plastic “kabaad” now; all they do is come and take newspapers, used papers/magazines & reason is:

Painted in green used to be a cover of a decorated light; turned upside down, filled with manure and soil and it is not part of the garden!

Bathroom stool turned upside down, painted with geroo and it is used to grow guldavri

None of the paint containers leave our boundary wall; once inside, they find their way to the garden after being emptied on to the walls!

This is my favourite - can anyone guess?

Dustbin cover gave away; no worries, parents know how to put it to better use!

Veggie baskets are used to grow saplings of : onion, small ornamental plants etc etc every few months!

Bathroom sink broke; no worries, parents know how to use it better!

Cover of a sewing machine - check that hook in second pic, in the middle

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