Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist ; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan.

Mar 18, 2022, 12 tweets

It's been 24 hours since the NYT acknowledged the reported emails from the Biden laptop were authentic, as was the NY Post's story on how they obtained it.

*None* of the media outlets that spread the CIA's "Russian disinformation" lie has admitted what they did or retracted it👇

Besides Jen Psaki, one of the most aggressive spreaders of this CIA lie -- unsurprisingly -- former Obama national security aide @brhodes. He just emphatically asserted this lie over and over with no caveats:

Below, @tomselliott collects many - nowhere near all - of the media and political elites who spread the CIA lie over and over. Not a single one has acknowledged error let alone wrongdoing. They know they don't need to: liberal readers *want* them to lie.

The most amazing part of all this -- besides how many corporate journalists *cheered* Big Tech's censorship of the reporting -- is how even the trained career liars of the CIA acknowledged they had no evidence for this: a caveat media outlets *omitted* to make it seem proven.

Look at this amazing example: NBC's @HeidiNBC said the Biden laptop was "disinformation" just like the 2016 WikiLeaks release was -- where *every* doc was authentic!

For these media corporation, "disinformation" means: authentic facts that undermine Democratic Party leaders.

One key point: we should avoid treating yesterday's NYT admission that the laptop is authentic as the first time this was proven. @SchreckReports's book last year proved it. Most importantly, the proof that the archive was real was known from the start:

And never forget what Facebook did. It sent out a career Dem Party operative -- @AndyMStone -- to announce that FB was suppressing discussion of the Biden story pending "third-party fact checking." That never came because, of course, the docs were real:

For those asking: the link to the NYT article on the FBI investigation into Hunter Biden and their statement that they confirmed the authenticity of the documents on the laptop:…

Now that we know "dozens" of former intelligence operatives invented the lie that the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" -- led by standard liars @JohnBrennan, James Clapper, @GenMhayden -- I'm sure media outlets will no longer rely on them to tell them what to say?


The lead spreader of CIA's "Russian disinformation" lie was Joe Biden. He'll never be asked to account for it. In fact, what proved the media's corrupt intent from the start was neither Biden denied their authenticity, yet media still claimed it was fake:

Wikipedia is more unreliable than ever: its editors are almost all liberals and you can watch any page change over time to adapt to liberal sensibilities. Look at this shit. Just one lie after the next:

I'll be on Fox News in the 8 pm hour to discuss why the corporate media outlets that spread the CIA's pre-election lie that the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" won't retract that lie, or even acknowledge the NYT's announcement that it authenticated the documents.

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