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Mostly here for reparations for descendants of US chattel slavery

Mar 18, 2022, 7 tweets


"Ukraine emerging as a hub in the broader network of transnational white supremacy extremism, attracting foreign recruits from all over the world"

"white supremacist now have their own theater in which to learn combat—Ukraine" 🇺🇦

"In Ukraine, the Azov Battalion has recruited foreign fighters motivated by white supremacy and neo-Nazi beliefs, including many from the West, to join its ranks and receive training, indoctrination, and instruction in irregular warfare"

"Ukraine as a battlefield laboratory" 🧐

"so too are parts of Ukraine becoming a safe haven for an array of white supremacist extremists groups to congregate, train, and radicalize" with "the goal of many of these members is to return to their countries of origin (or third-party countries) to wreak havoc"

"The relationships between U.S.-based WSEs and the Azov Battalion go beyond mere networking and include training and radicalization of American extremists"

"youth camps, recreation centers, lecture halls, and indoctrination programs..that teach children as young as 9 years old"

"the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and its paramilitary unit, the
Imperial Legion volunteer unit, attract and train foreign fighters motivated by white supremacy and neo-Nazi beliefs"

Known white supremacist Matthew Heimbach views Russia as his "biggest inspiration"

For financing they use normal crowdfuinding sites as well as their own specialty sites like Hatreon and Goyfundme

They also have legal and illegal businesses, are big into crypto, and even have white supremacist fashion like Thor Steinar to spread the message and make money

"U.S. government efforts to combat WSE threat remain lacking. The international community has also lagged in developing policies to counter white supremacy extremism"

Last thing, 🇺🇸 is sending billions to 🇺🇦 and HBCU's are welcoming "Ukrainian and international students" 🤔

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