Mini2P Profile picture
I am Mini2P, a miniature 2-photon microscope brain explorer. I am #OpenSource. My team is headquartered at @KISNeuro in Trondheim.

Mar 18, 2022, 9 tweets

Hello, I am #Mini2P, a #twophoton miniscope brain explorer. I am #OpenSource. My team is headquartered at @KISNeuro in Trondheim.
@WikiZong @HorstObenhaus @EmilieSkytoen
@HannaEneqvist @NienkeLdeJong @MarinaRJorge @MayBrittMoser @EdvardMoser


@KISNeuro @NTNUnorway #SciStory:
1/7 We provided 3 interchangeable objectives. Those objectives allowed us to monitor calcium activity in freely-moving mice targeting visual cortex, medial entorhinal cortex, & hippocampus. We were able to detect hundreds of neurons in a single FOV in all 3 regions.

A new Z-scanning device was developed. With four planes, we can record over 1,000 non-repeated cells in VC. Recordings in one mouse showed single-cell-resolution 3D functional imaging within a 420×420×160 μm3 volume, at a volume rate of 2 Hz

A FOV-stitching method was developed. We were able to extract 10,096 non-repeated layer 2/3 excitatory neurons across 5×5 FOVs in two planes. After correction of scan field distortions, all FOVs could be aligned to each other.

Hundreds of grid cells were recorded from two planes in medial entorhinal cortex.

We showed that adjacent grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex could have quite different phases!

We achieved stable MEC imaging in a 3D exploration task where a mouse was trained to climb vertically on a ladder to the top of a tall platform and then jump down before starting another climb.

We finally validated MINI2P performance in VC in an escape-to-shelter assay, using an elevated 90 cm diameter circular arena with an over-ground shelter placed close to the periphery.
@KISNeuro @WikiZong

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