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An @ESRC research project @CamHistory exploring Secondary Education & Social Change in the UK since 1945 📚 📸: @ChronicleLive/@natlibscot

Mar 18, 2022, 9 tweets

[🧵1/9] It’s Friday, time for another ‘deep dive’ into our KS3 history resource packs, today is @MollyNavey’s 7-lesson enquiry based around the question:

How does school life seem to have been shaped by changing attitudes to gender and sexuality 1945-2015?

[🧵2/9] This series of lessons focus on changing social attitudes to gender differences & sexuality thru the lens of UK secondary education

Teacher note: this enquiry addresses racism and discrimination and some primary source materials contain racist/discriminatory language

[🧵3/9] Lesson 1: Introduction - Schools and Social change in the UK after 1945

All packs start with this (optional) lesson on the big picture of social change in the UK post-Second World War, feat. a timeline activity for pupils & chance to integrate your own school’s history

[🧵4/9] Lesson 2: The effects of gender differences on school life

Pupils use 2 videos feat. historians @sadhistorygeek & @AmyG_Historrry to consider how prevailing attitudes towards gender & sexuality shaped school life & how far they changed across the period

[🧵5/9] Lesson 3: How far did attitudes towards gender in schools become more equal?

Pupils analyse a wide range of primary source material, including stats, to see how far they support the claims made by @AmyG_Historrry in the historian video

[🧵6/9] Lesson 4: The effects of sexualities on school life

Pupils explore a timeline of changing policies, including #Section28, & reactions towards sexualities post-1945, as well as oral testimonies from #LGBTQIA+ individuals

[🧵7/9] Lesson 5: A book as a lens to attitudes in the 1980s

Pupils interrogate an extract from the book 'Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin', published in the 1980s, & explore reactions to this book within schools, the media, and public life

[🧵8/9] Lesson 6: Historians building the story of societal change

A historiographical lesson; pupils consider how interpretations of post-war social change have developed as new source materials & methodologies have become available to historians

[🧵9/9] Lesson 7: How does school life seem to have been shaped by changing attitudes to gender and sexuality 1945-2015?

To wrap up, pupils work on a timeline and an extended piece of writing on EITHER changes & continuities OR the evidential record

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