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Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation and Judaism beyond Zionism

Mar 18, 2022, 8 tweets

We — a Black, Palestinian, and Jewish coalition — disrupted @ADL’s US-Israel police exchanges.

We're fighting for a world where we create safety through solidarity. Not racist, militarized police using tactics honed by an occupying apartheid state.

And when we fight, we win. 🧵

To build a safer world for all, we must permanently end all US-Israel police exchanges — as well as demilitarize, defund, and abolish police and end Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Our successful pressure on @ADL, the leading funder of police exchanges, is a key first step.

The budget and reputation crisis our Deadly Exchange campaign created for @ADL testifies to the power of solidarity across struggles and communities, and of a vision of safety that includes us all.

Organizing and coalition-building WORKS.

We are celebrating — and escalating!

As yesterday's leaked memo reveals, @ADL "paused" its US-Israel police exchanges after our campaign made the programs too costly and controversial to continue.

We forced @ADL to admit that, by training in Israel, US police might be further militarized and likelier to use force.

But, instead of truly grappling with how it is "contributing to the problem" of racist police violence, @ADL only "paused" its programs — secretly — due to concerns about money and optics.

It didn't address the harm its exchanges caused, and it has since vowed to continue them.

This means that NOW is the time to:

1) pressure @ADL to PERMANENTLY end its US-Israel police exchanges, and

2) encourage progressive orgs to #DropTheADL, since it yet again showed it only cares about the optics of anti-racism, not actually reducing harm to communities of color.

Look out for alerts from us about actions, virtual rallies, and petitions to keep the pressure on @ADL and progressive orgs that still think @ADL advocates for "civil rights."

Read more on @ADL's long history of harm to our movements and communities:

And read more about yesterday’s leaked internal memo that revealed how a multiracial coalition successfully pressured @ADL into "pausing" its US-Israel police exchanges and admitting they might make US police more violent:……

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