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PAI enjoyer, OSINT guy @hntrbrkmedia, my views/freezing cold takes are my own. Standard spiel about not endorsing retweets, likes, and comments.

Mar 18, 2022, 7 tweets

Ukrainian MOD update key points (translated) w/ additional graphics from @Liveuamap

"The occupiers partially succeeded in the Donetsk operational area. On approaches to Mykolaiv, the enemy was stopped by joint actions of divisions of Defense forces."

"The situation in the Volyn direction has not changed significantly.
In the Polissya direction, the enemy is trying to hold the previously captured frontiers on the Irpin River."

"In the northern direction, there were no changes in the composition of the enemy troops and the nature of his actions. The occupiers continue to partially blockade the city of Chernihiv, shelling civilian neighborhoods in the city."

"In the Slobozhansky (northeast) direction, the nature of the enemy's actions did not change significantly. Attempts to block the cities of Sumy and Kharkiv, as well as attempts to resume the offensive in the direction of Pokrovsk, continue."

"In the Luhansk direction, the invaders are trying to establish control over the settlements of Rubizhne and Popasna, as well as blockade Severodonetsk."

"In the area of ​​Rubizhne, the enemy established itself on the western and north-western outskirts of the city, making unsuccessful attempts to reach the southern part of the city. Fighting continues for the city of Popasna."


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