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Intellectually honest | Mises Seminar: | Praxeology | Austro-Libertarianism | | | 🥩 #Bitcoin

Mar 19, 2022, 29 tweets

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Straight out of the bat; 1st principles approach to human action does NOT = applying physics to it. At all. Positivist/empiricist/unscientific/scientistic *nonsense*.

So not a 1st principles approach at all. Epistemologically wrong from the get to!

#Praxeology > physics.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: "Physics actually works unlike economics".

Holy shit, tell me you don't know anything about #praxeology (LOGIC & SCIENCE OF HUMAN ACTION) in one sentence & that is what you'd say.

Only 6min & the methodological approach is already clearly an unassailable fail ❌.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Giving the benefit of the d re: "no constants" BL indicates this but doesn't grok that its no: "constant relations between various magnitudes". Image 1 indicates the 'constant'.

Lowery's comments showcases his profound ignorance of the Austrian School (i.e. economics proper).

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery No. #Bitcoin is not a constant. And no it does not bridge a gap between physics & economics.

And better yet, #praxeology you don't need to trust, you can verify by tracing the logical chain of deductive reasoning back to the axiom of human action.

Lowery hasn't picked up the🔭.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery "Power projection protocol: you don't have the option to not bleed if your heart gets hit by a bullet"

You DO have the CHOICE to run a #Bitcoin node, a CHOICE to use the Bitcoin network, a choice to SAVE in this rivalrous digital commodity.

*Categorically different*. Voluntary.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: "Evolution: power projection, take limited resources."
"EATING = a weapon. A 🦠 eating a 🦠, was it moral? A power projection technique."

🤦‍♂️😂! More profound ignorance around another two entire fields; ethics & legal theory. Beyond comical commentary.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery The power pRoJeCtiOn tHeSiS: eating is a weapon.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: "Best predatory tactics ever evolved by life was cooperation."

Beyond the obvious; organisms do not 'act'. The analogies are entirely fallacious when applied to human action, which is exactly what is trying to be done.

Further, WHY humans cooperate:

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery None of this actually acknowledges cooperation in the true sense of the word e.g. specialisation & division of labor, and thus comparative advantage/Ricardian law of association.

Not surprisingly why #JasonJarHead has no use for economics... & if you wonder why I care so much:

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery "Define force." Gives physics def; which is categorically different to the def relating to human action.

Using the same definition to cover both = unscientific, not based on 1st principles, delusional, does nothing but obfuscate instead of elucidate.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: 'tigers: sharp teeth etc. entrepreneurial successes in the free market of evolution"'

NOPE. Not even close to being true. The analogies fail & all stem from sloppy inept understandings of epistemology & economics.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery What free market entrepreneurship actually is.

The fact #JasonJarHead has chosen to work for the state i.e. political means, is not at all surprising he sees everything through the lens of power.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery "[Human] Life: is the thing that tries to or seeks to reverse the inevitable course of entropy."

Nope. Nothing a priori about that. As @Mises points out:

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery @mises To further clarify the distinction: man[animal rationis capax(animal capable of reason)] & animals. Hoppe's: Nature of Man & Human Condition:…
1: 🗣️
2: property
3: production/technology
vs. animal behaviour. Ergo, claim about other species got this = wrong.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery @mises FYI the whole 🔥 causality to thus bigger🧠 isn't accurate. A nice story; but not true. But also, really not relevant. And even if so; undermines JarHead's prior claim about other sentients discovering this.

In any case, 🦴 marrow was. A simple: 🪨 .

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery @mises ">Breading dogs into wiener dogs"
">>Yeah, we weaponised it"

Really doesn't help a def. when "anything = weapon" "i.e. eating." Woeful conception. Giving the benefit of the D, as to what he means, close but as per Hoppe: protection of private property.….

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery @mises "All my args are 1st principles & physics rooted. When I talk power I literally mean joules per second (J/s)."

"Political power? Being able to plant ideas in other people so that they steer their J/s"

How much J/s power does @POTUS have?😂
Reminds me of socialists talkin about:

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Again, all based on categorically bad scientism. Nothing 1st principles about it.

"The man who proposes a new definition for an important word must prove his case."
— Murray N. Rothbard

Case unclosed. The 'proof of work'; embarrassingly bad—certainly none of this is 'profound'.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Not a surprise 'space boi spook on the states payroll's take naturally obfuscates the true nature of power with: muh "joules per second".

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarhead: "Law of nature: those who project power in the most effective way earn the right to set the state & chain of custody & resources."

> Doesn't understand rights. His take essentially: might is right? Either not insightful, or self-contradictory...

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery JL: "the American revolution started 10 years before the constitution... [1787] The rule of law happens after we won the war [independence 1775] & established ourselves as dominant thing."

Nope. And it seems like a quibble, but strikes at the root of misconception...

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery "All law—the thing that predates all law; the military that exerts the power to establish the rule of law."

Not even close to being true. A further💥to the premise of his tHeSiS:

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery What #JasonJarHead doesn't understand & what he is talking about: the origin of the state. Whether it is endogenous [internally] vs exogenous [conquest].

The answer: endogenous. He erroneously claims exogenous. 💥As per Hoppe:…

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery "What are laws but shared abstractions"
"[Control] its the key to winning the game, that none of us can unsubscribe from. Physics is Physics, if a human stabs you in the heart you're going to die. Better learn this game".

Yeah, & that "game" is #praxeology not "pOwEr PrOJeCtIoN.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery No "shared abstraction" here; & *this* is what #Bitcoin is clearly the most akin to. Who watches the watchmen? Everyone watches each-other.

Who has 'got the power' (J/s) here? What, no political power? Another💥 to your thEsiS...

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: "history is a ledger of property ownership written by the people who win the power projection competition"

#Bitcoin is on the banks.

#Spaceboi is frolicking in the stream; filled with 🩸from the state’s unremitting record of theft, oppression, war & mass murder.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Truly though: #praxeologists are the true historians, and this (again) strikes at the root of JJH's entire premise of his tHeSis.

He's not aware of what methodological dualism is & it most definitely shows.

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery #JasonJarHead: "We genetically enslave X into cows.
We hire someone to kill the cow.
They throw that steak in between BL & me.
Whose steak is that?"

JJH's "answer", the textbook "might is right" insanity. Rothbard's TEOL has the scenario 🎯 precisely:…

@Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery Rounding off ep 1. JL's *not* "1st principled approach" doesn't change does it? So all the other ep's are likewise built on quicksand? ☠️

For those that were wondering: "Why the care factor?" Besides being interested in reality i.e. the truth/accuracy, its pretty simple:

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