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Mar 19, 2022, 25 tweets

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Property records show land belonged to Mrs Nighat Irum alia Roshan Nazir Alam . Mrs. Alam is wife of ex police chief Punjab Roshan Nazir Alam. #FactFocus #FerozewalaFiles
Image: Land ownership record dated16.07.1969
Link to full story here


Mrs Alam gave power of attorney to Mr. Ikram Ullah Khan Niazi on 28 March 1996 for 500 Kanal 9 Marla land situated in Ferozewala in the suburbs of Lahore. #FerozewalaFiles name comes from the area.
Images : POA- Part one

Image : POA part 2

Mr. Imran Khan Niazi along with 4 sisters purchased the land on October 13, 2004.
Image front page Sale deed.
Full document


The declaration of the land was mandatory as not only the sale agreement was executed but the land was also transferred in the name of PM Khan and his sisters on October 15, 2004 in the records of the Revenue Department.
Image: Transfer of ownership in government records.

Although he purchased the property in October 2004, his Election Declaration documents reveal that -

he hadn’t declared this land in his statement of assets and liabilities which he submitted to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for the fiscal years 2005.
Link to document


Link to document


Link to document factfocus.com/wp-content/upl…

Similarly, Khan hid this prime land from the tax authorities in all these years, a perusal of the record of his income tax returns for the years 2005 to 2009 shows. PM Khan’s sisters also concealed this land’s ownership from tax authorities

in the years from 2005 to 2008 even though they had purchased the land and it was transferred in their names.

Khan’s father Ikramullah Khan Niazi passed away on March 19, 2008. Finally, in 2009, Aleema Khan, sister of Prime Minister Khan, declared this property in her wealth statements but misdeclared it in her wealth statements as inherited (not purchased) with a listed value of “zero”.

Link to tax returns of Ms Aleema Khan showing mis-declaration.

she declared 1/6 share in 500 kanal 9 marla

Then, in 2010, PM Khan declared the Ferozewala property but as an “inheritance” and not as a purchased property. PM Khan who had paid money to purchase this land declared the value of the land “zero”.
Link complete document


After almost 15 years of consistent misdeclaration, Khan and his four sisters finally sold this land to one Mateen Ahmed Bhulla in October 2019 for a value of Rs350 million Pakistani Rupees, as shown in the property document.

Khan, who as prime minister often voiced support for tax reforms, and his sisters sold this one piece of land through 80 different ‘registries’ , with each ‘registry’ having a value of less than Rs4 million. There were a total of 80 ‘intiqaal’ (transfer of property document).

Sale Agreement part 1
Link to document


Sale agreement part two

Khan, who as prime minister often voiced support for tax reforms, and his sisters sold this one piece of land through 80 different ‘registries’ , with each ‘registry’ having a value of less than Rs4 million. There were a total of 80 ‘intiqaal’ (transfer of property document).

Link to 80 transfer documents


This is a practice done by purchasers of land to avoid taxes that become applicable if the price of land is above a certain amount (Rs4 million in this case). So by selling the same land 80 times to the same buyer within a time frame of two months,

PM Khan and his sisters facilitated the buyer to avoid applicable taxes.  Those selling a property are not subjected to any tax if it was purchased three years before the day it is sold.

Generally, both seller and purchaser agree on this kind of arrangement and fix the price of the property accordingly so both can benefit. But with this practice, both parties deprive the state of legitimate and necessary taxes.

Chaudhary and Abbasi were also asked this question: If a person who possesses a power of attorney of land sells that land to his son in return for money, can the son declare that land an inheritance? Both Chaudhary and Abbasi said that a son cannot declare

the land as an inheritance in any case, because he has purchased the land and the land title is in his name. Both answered that “it will be a misdeclaration.”

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