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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Mar 19, 2022, 8 tweets

Remembering Philip Roth on his birthday 🎂
📷 Bob Peterson, Newark, 1968
"Updike and Bellow hold their flashlights out into the world, reveal the world as it is now. I dig a hole and shine my flashlight into the hole."

Philip Roth by Julian Hibbard, 2011
"How easy life is when it's easy, and how hard when it's hard."

Philip Roth by Elliott Erwitt, 1990
Martin Krasnik: What will the women do at your funeral?
Philip Roth: If they even show up ... they will probably be screaming at the casket.…

R. B. Kitaj & Philip Roth by Ian Cook, 1985
Roth apparently based the character of Mickey Sabbath in his novel Sabbath's Theater on Kitaj.

Philip Roth with his first wife Maggie Martinson
📷 Carl Mydans, 1962

Philip Roth & Claire Bloom by Inge Morath, 1983
Roth's second wife, Bloom's third husband.

Philip Roth at the Yaddo artists’ retreat
📷 Bob Peterson, 1968
"You cannot observe people through an ideology. Your ideology observes for you."

Philip Roth posed next to a photo of Franz Kafka in another of Bob Peterson's photographs from 1968. Roth cited Kafka as a major influence:…

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