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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Mar 19, 2022, 16 tweets

Celebrate the Centennial of photographer Francesc Català-Roca 🎂💯
📷 Self-portrait, 1953
Català-Roca's version of Henri Cartier-Bresson's famous "decisive moment" was what he called the "eloquent moment". The difference is apparent when looking at the works of the two masters.

Francesc Català-Roca, Gran Vía Under Snow, 1953

Francesc Català-Roca
Salvador Dalí in the Park Güell, 1950s

Francesc Català-Roca
Jean Cocteau looking at a sculpture by Pablo Gargallo, 1950s

Francesc Català-Roca
In Old Madrid, 1954

Francesc Català-Roca
Child in a pottery workshop

Francesc Català-Roca
Library of Peralada Castle, c. 1950

Francesc Català-Roca
Night Session, 1950s
The posters are for A Place in the Sun, so this is probably 1951

Francesc Català-Roca
The Diagonal, Barcelona, c. 1950

Francesc Català-Roca
Marine near the Columbus monument, 1950

Francesc Català-Roca
Looking forward to the Christmas lottery, 1952

Francesc Català-Roca
Self-portrait in Güell Park, 1953

Francesc Català-Roca
Photographer in Cuchillero's Arch, 1953

Francesc Català-Roca
The elegant lady on Gran Via, 1953

Francesc Català-Roca
Portrait of poet Joan Eduardo Cirlot, 1954
Today we're celebrating the great photographer's Centennial 🎂💯

Francesc Català-Roca
Movie theatre on Gran Via, 1958

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