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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. 😁

Mar 19, 2022, 34 tweets

Our first investigation has looked into "The Campaign Company", the private company that now effectively runs the Labour Party.

The company now has multiple touchpoints in controlling departments & positions of the UK Labour Party.

#thecampaigncompany #uklabour #behindlabour

This company was set up by Jonathan Upton, and David Evans after their roles in the Labour Party came to an end. Upton was formerly Head Of Corporate Development under Tony Blair, whilst Evans was the Assistant General Secretary.

Upton is still involved in the company, but on an associate basis. In 2011 he attempted to establish in #Afghanistan a local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) called Afghanistan Electoral Reform and Civil Advocacy (AERCA).

David Evans handed over control / shares in the company to his wife Aline Delawa, so that he could become General Secretary of the Labour Party. Apparently this means there is no conflict of interest... no, it didn't make sense to us either.

David Evans wrote in a report entitled "A New Labour Party", that "...indeed, the majority of local Labour parties are more like Trotters Independent Traders [from BBC TV’s "Only Fools and Horses"] than Marks & Spencer … We are a ramshackle confederation of market traders."

The report also stated that "...representative democracy should as far as possible be abolished in the Party."

His recent actions purging left-wingers in the Labour Party on deeply spurious grounds, suggests that he is following through on this threat.

Aline Delawa allegedly became a director of The Campaign Company (TCC), whilst she was also the Head Of Compliance in the Labour Party. Another example of a clear conflict of interest in and around TCC. Her career dates have been changed to display dates that are inaccurate.

Most notable in The Campaign Company, was the presence of Morgan McSweeney, who is now the Campaign Director for the Labour Party, and formerly Keir Starmers Chief Of Staff.

Mace Magazine wrote of McSweeney:

"The 43-year-old has been credited with guiding Starmer’s own cautious and controlled rhetoric more than anyone else in Westminster."

We found this to be an interesting and diagnostic comment from Mace.

Mace Magazine also wrote:

"Morgan McSweeney founded the unity-focused campaign group Labour Together before taking up his current post as Keir Starmer’s chief of staff in May 2020."

McSweeney was responsible for creating the Labour Together organisation that many activists noted as a deeply connected, avowedly centrist (right-wing), anti-Corbyn outfit. Activists also noted that somehow, this organisation got hold of their email addresses...

'Inside Croydon' reported on Labour Together:

"Pro-Starmer ‘party within a party’ which has Croydon North MP on its board and links to ‘campaign guru’ David Evans somehow overlooked huge payments from a businessman and a Mayfair hedge fund manager..."

Busines Insider reported:

“The overdue donations were first published in February 2021. Analysis of the figures by Insider suggested only £165,000 of £970,492 donated between October 2015 and January 2021 were declared on time."

Furthermore, Business Insider added:

“Since February 2021, Labour Together has declared a further £120,000 in donations from its two main backers, Martin Taylor and Trevor Chinn.”

It is distinctly possible that Labour Together was / is acting as a vehicle for directing external funds, from interests unfriendly to a socialist Labour Party, to influence the direction and policies of the Labour Party. If McSweeney did it this openly, he could do it again.

So, we looked through McSweeney's employment history, and came across whatt we call an 'outlier'. That was, he was a Director for: "Center For Countering Digital Hate" (CCDH)

What was this organisation? Who was behind it? What was its purpose?

The Canary had this to say about the CCDH...

"The Canary can now reveal that Morgan McSweeney, Keir Starmer’s chief of staff, launched the organisation that now runs SFFN."…

SSFN, the "Stop Funding Fake News" campaign was essentially an organised trolling and smear campaign against left-wing targets, media outlets and individuals.

It was allegedly owned, organised and delivered by the "Center For Countering Digital Hate" and Morgan McSweeney.

So now we've got McSweeney apparently overseeing donor cash to influence the Labour party, we've got McSweeney appearing to organise a paid-for trolling campaign against the left, and an organisation with an unclear background behind it all...

Who are the listed directors of CCDH? The Canary mentioned a leading man called Imran Ahmed, and apparently there are others... (We'll come back to Ahmed another time.)

McSweeney is there, as is Ahmed (a well known anti-Corbyn right-winger). All British or Irish, with one exception - Clark, an American apparently.

When McSweeney left his role at CCDH, they needed someone to replace him. They employed a former CIA operative called Lindsay Moran to the job. Another American, and a former spook... very curious!…

Internet chatter suggested the idea for the SSFN troll smear campaign was inspired by "Sleeping Giants" in the USA. An American former spook is involved. An American director. Why on earth are Americans interfering in British politics? What's the link?

We've found the link. McSweeney's boss. Ahmed's boss. Moran's boss. His name is Simon Clark, the only American on the directors list.

Aside from being associated with finance world titans, he is a senior person for "Center For American Progress" and "Foreign Policy For America."

Wikispooks Describes CAP as:

"...a think tank and advocacy organization closely aligned with the Democratic Party establishment."

Lots of money, and policy direction for Labour Party policy appears to be coming from THIS organisation and its donors.

Wikispooks added:

"With massive pay-for-play funding and people interlocked in central government jobs, corporate board rooms and other think tanks, it is a major behind the scenes force in US politics."

Wikispooks goes further:

"The CAP routinely represents the interests of its major funders. As president of CAP, Neera Tanden received donations from repressive right-wing foreign governments while she advanced their hardline policy priorities."

Finally Wikispooks added:

"Donors included lobbyists for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…"

The PAC (Political Action Committee) in the USA associated with this big corporation political movement, is known as the "Foreign Policy For America" PAC.

Is it normal foreign policy for the USA to interfere in the political landscape of allied nations?

What threat could Corbynism, the UK socialist left, and independent news media organisations in the United Kingdom pose to a political network sponsored by weapons manufacturers, big oil, big pharma, big agri and more?

You tell us.

The UK Labour Party.
The Campaign Company.
Center For Countering Digital Hate.
Stop Funding Fake News.
Center For American Progress.
Foreign Policy For America.
FP Action Network.

Apparently, these organisations are being managed by the same people, for the same reasons.

Anyone fancy telling us what those reasons / aims are?

Several million Labour members would like to know what they are being told to vote for...

Please find our second investigation:

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