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Mar 20, 2022, 43 tweets

We know that Roger Stone protege Jacob Engels worked closely with the Proud Boys. It seems it was Roger Stone protege Jack Posobiec who worked closely with the Oath Keepers. @January6thCmte @TheJusticeDept 1/


3/ Engels & Proud Boys.

4/ Jacob Engels & the Proud Boys.

5/ Jacob Engels and Roger Stone

6/ Jacob Engels and former national chairman of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio

7/ Jacob Engels and former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio.

8/ Jacob Engels and the Proud Boys.

9/ Jacob Engels and the Proud Boys

10/ Jacob Engels & Proud Boy Tyler Whyte harassing Andrew Gillum.…

11/ Jacob Engels & the Proud Boys.

12/ Jacob Engels, Jack Posobiec, Roger Stone protege Laura Loomer, & Proud Boy organizer Joe Biggs

13/ FWIW, I don’t think it matters whether Jacob Engels is or isn’t a Proud Boy. Either way, he’s always there.

14/ Jacob Engels & the Proud Boys at #StopTheSteal 2018.

15/ Jacob Engels & Proud Boy organizer Joe Biggs - #StoptheSteal2018

16/ Jacob Engels & Roger Stone

17/ Jacob Engels & Enrique Tarrio.

18/ Jacob Engels w/ Roger Stone at the Willard.

19/ Posobiec in the Roger Stone tent on January 5.

20/ I discuss Posobiec’s relationship w/ Roger Stone here.

22/ I’m currently researching & writing Part 3. This thread is part of that research.

23/ Posobiec organized this rally.

24/ Was Jack Posobiec (a former officer in the Navy) the Oath Keeper’s friend called “Navy Jack”? Navy Jack’s writings used to be posted on the Oath Keepers’ website.

25/ Back to post 1: Jack Posobiec.

26/ Both Posobiec & Navy Jack claim to have infiltrated “Antifa.”

27/ Some “Navy Jack” related posts.

28/ The “Citizens for Trump” group mentioned by Posobiec in post 1 was affiliated with Roger Stone.…

29/ More info re Citizens for Trump. For research purposes.…

30/ Jacob Engels, Enrique Tarrio, & Alex Jones

31/ Jacob Engels in a Proud Boy shirt.

32/ Jacob Engels in a Proud Boys shirt.

33/ Jacob Engels and the Proud Boys.

34/ Jacob Engels, Roger Stone, Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio, etc.


36/ BTW, I suspect the video in post 1 was made in 2017 (not 2020) bc, among other reasons, Posobiec says in the video that he’s been on Twitter for only 9 months.

37/ Posobiec always deletes his old tweets (erasing fingerprints), but sometimes you can find references. Here are a few mentioning the Oathkeepers.

38/ 👀

39/ h/t @TrickFreee

40/ h/t @TrickFreee

41/ Good God.

42/ It appears to me that Lea’s account was deleted. I’m worried she was hacked. Just in case, here is the video from post 1.

43/ As I mentioned, I believe the above video (where Posobiec declared that he’d been working closely w/ the Oath Keepers) is from 2017. In January that year, he posted this.

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