Maxima 🇪🇺 Profile picture
Still active after a lifetime of pastoral care and advocating sustainability & Science. Too stubborn to give up on liberty, equality, fraternity & environment.

Mar 20, 2022, 6 tweets



While Ukrainians were being murdered in their beds, Johnson was hosting the criminals who pay for the Russian slaughter of innocents

We all knew about Colaberation with Russia for many years

We all knew that Russian money was perverting our Democracy



We all knew that #Johnson and Farage were being funded by Russia

We all knew we were in Putin's pocket

We all knew that Johnson, like Trump, had been compromised on Russian holidays with girls

Many in the UK just did not care




However, many profited as much as their Russian masters

Huge investments were being made in shares and property

We all knew about money laundering

The UK was known to take blood money from anyone, particularly if oil, gas or drugs were involved

Nice little earners



Laws were changed to profiteer from money laundering, overseas tax havens, worker rights, human rights, housing, and racketeering from the Pandemic, food and energy crisis etc

Public mentality has been changed to accept injustice, exploitation and deception as normal




Now the traitors within are enabled to rob from the normal people and ignore the protection of the sick, old and young

Not just Ukrain, the UK too is on its knees




The World would be a better place if people like Putin, Johnson and Trump were in jail and junkie petty criminals were in hospital.


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