Anees Khan Profile picture
20 | @RedwoodFounders

Mar 21, 2022, 11 tweets


With all the confusion and doubt erupting across media sources. It is important to ascertain facts from fiction.

Especially as we consumers, are hit by higher prices.

In this thread let's explore the progressively worsening situation in Ukraine.


1. Headlines

The most discerning headlines today include :

-10 Million people being forced to leave their homes in Ukraine according to UNHCR.

-Kyiv rejects Russian demand to surrender Mariupol

Why is this important?

Let's explore...

2. Refugees

Progress in #UkraineRussianWar peace talks have stalled.

The lives of more than 100 children have been claimed in Ukraine. Casualties are only set to increase.

The bombing of an art school in Ukraine where 400 women, children and elderly were hiding has hurt.

3. Peace Talks

As #RussianArmy assaults have stepped up their assault on key cities.

Peace talks have since slowed.

There was close agreement to potential points in the deal such as embracing "demilitarisation" and renouncing their intention to join Nato.

4. Russia's Assault

So why has Russia levelled a shopping centre in Kyiv even throughout these peace talks?


This is because there is no substantial movements.

Russia has not committed to any agreements thus no ceasefire has been set.

5. Incentives

This has set the scene for Ukraine to speeden up its' peace talks.

In terms of a strategic play, Russia has done very well.

Like blaming Ukraine's slow negotiation pace for the casualties and thus shifting blame to an extent, all whilst signalling this globally.

6. Rejection

A cause for perhaps increased attacks was the rejection to surrender Mauriupol.

Ukraine refused to hand over the city, even as Russia offered a humanitarian way out.

Clearly, they have resorted to bombing further under the pretense that:

Kyiv is using "nazis".

7. Impacts

In any two-sided negotiation. It doesn't help to any extent when individuals cause such mass shocking devastation on communities.

This will have hurt the pride of both countries.

Negotiations may take a turn for the worse as the smoke clears.

The questions I have been asking myself are:

When will the Western world interfere?

Upon their interference will they deem it a question of democracy or humanitarian aid?

How will they choose to interfere (fire with fire)?

I would also like to discuss a few things with individuals who are:

-Living in Ukraine.

-Living in Russia.

-Are well versed in elements occurring in this war.

If you know of any people who fit these criterion, please @ them.

I am enthusiastic to reach out.

If this was a thread you found useful.

Consider following me: @Crypto8Fi

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