The Deseret Stone Profile picture

Mar 21, 2022, 22 tweets

“Why do the gays keep doing the flashlight thing on Y mountain?”

Because it’s a grift by Jerilyn Pool (@auntmarvel).

The same Jerilyn Pool who was publicly booted from the defunct blog Feminist Mormon Housewives amid accusations of embezzlement in 2016.

And more.

#DezNat 🧵

To the Twitter mods reviewing this post when it is attacked:

All screenshots and data are from:

- A publicly available blog and comments on the same.

- Public tweets

- Public court records without contact information.

You see, Jerilyn has a history of… well, issues with handling money in the past.

And honestly addressing those issues head on.

Especially charitable donations.…

Or, as the board of FHM put it:

“Unfortunately, for several months,
we have not been able to account
for FMH funds over which Jerilyn has exercised responsibility, to which Jerilyn has been given access, and from which Jerilyn has made withdrawals.”

Uh oh.

But was there any truth to these allegations?

Did Jerilyn confess?

Well, the record seems to indicate that the answer to that question is… yes.

While the post has been scrubbed, there are multiple contemporaneous posts on this thread saying she confessed, including URLs.

(A funny aside: when an FMH poster points out that Jerilyn had posted about getting a new Mac, an account named “AuntM” chimes in to defend her.

As Jerilyn’s Twitter handle is “AuntMarvel”, this seems like an extraordinary coincidence or a really transparent sock puppet 😂)

Of course, it appears that her public confession only occurred after a lengthy period of stonewalling and FMH’s public exposure.

And members of her community even then were worried that she was using the residual good will to continue to fundraise on her own side projects.

They specifically mention donations to Jerilyn’s side project at that time: “safespaces-dot-us”.

This project appears to now be defunct or renamed.

Many were concerned that someone just caught (allegedly) embezzling was still soliciting funds—to her personal PayPal.

It would seem that all of those concerns were quite reasonable.

Pool constantly advertises her “Queer Meals” “charity”, asking for donations constantly…

while almost always using her personal Venmo, PayPal, and CashApp accounts.

This isn’t just some amateur who’s inexperienced with these matters.

This is someone whose hand has been caught in the cookie jar before.

Who absolutely should know better.

There’s no shortage of examples.

And plenty of new fundraising strategies.

“We need a fixed amount NOW for this action!”

“Any overage will go to this other thing my donors like! No, I’m not going to define exactly what that means!”

If you think she’s above monetizing the death of a “friend”, well… think again.

The undercurrent here is that it’s all for “charity”.

But it’s also all going to her personal accounts.

She also, very creepily, solicits the home address of Clark Gilbert.

Because that’s not stalking.

Shout out to Jared Eborn of Contender Bicycles for being especially creepy.

So, why do this?

Well, I have a theory.

This may, in part, be explained by the fact that there are multiple judgments against her from courts in at least Oregon and Utah.

Presently totaling $6,542.31 (before interest).

It seems she’s bad at paying her bills.

Real bad.

The docket on each one of these cases ends the same way: attempts to garnish bank accounts that, it seems, have nothing in them.

Perhaps… because she’s keeping her money in Venmo, PayPal, and CashApp accounts.

Which her creditors haven’t gone after.


If you have know how collections works, you know that when you see a pattern like this in the public records, it’s probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Especially when the early 2016 embezzlement accusations pop up right after the 2015 collections judgment, as here.

As no satisfaction of judgment has been filed in any of these cases, it would seem none of these debtors have been paid, or at least not paid in full.

Which is a big red flag when you are considering who to trust with funds.

Especially funds sent to a personal account.

So, in sum:

- The effort is run by a person with what appears to be a known, confessed history of financial impropriety in the past involving embezzlement from a 501c3 charity.

- The person involved seems to have a motivation to keep money in personal PayPal, Venmo, and similar accounts - which have not (yet) been hit with any garnishments.

- There are none—absolutely zero—accounts from independent sources about how this individual is managing the money coming in.

Do the math on why that is.

Really think that through.

I realize that what I’ve said here will be hard for some of you to accept.

I’ve given you meat before milk.

Perhaps you feel like your shelf has been broken.

You are in a high demand community, after all.

But I’ve provided the receipts.

Do with them what you will.

Oh, and here’s an archive of the Feminist Mormon Housewives post, including comments, in anticipation of Jerilyn or others pressuring them to take it down:

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