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Cardiovascular Research Editor-in-Chief, Prof Tomasz J. Guzik. Managed by the editorial office. Tweets are our own. Retweet is not endorsement.

Mar 22, 2022, 9 tweets

Is sex a critical factor for treating #AtrialFibrillation?❤️‍🩹

New #CardiovascularResearch study examines #SexDifferences in calcium handling & therapies in patients with #AFib…

Our tweetorial explains the findings⬇️👩‍🏫

@ESC_Journals @escardio #EPeeps (1/9)

#Atrial #myocytes were isolated from patients with & without #AtrialFibrillation

Sex differences in #risk factors & therapies were considered in the analysis (2/9)

To explore #SexDifferences in the mechanisms of #Afib, calcium handling was examined & calcium handling proteins investigated (3/9)

Stumbling out of the gate

Males with #Afib had reduced #calcium current density & a delayed decay, but not females (4/9)

Sparking the fire 🔥

#Calcium spark frequency & density were higher in females compared to males with #AFib

Sparks were not the result of increased SR loading

Increased calcium sparks may be driven by higher ryanodine receptor phosphorylation at S2808 in females with #Afib (6/9)

Inward NaCa exchanger currents were higher & more frequent in females with #AFib, compared to males

These disturbances were not due to differences in NaCa exchanger expression (7/9)

Does #Afib require a tailored fix? 🪡

A2A receptor antagonism & #betablockers had more pronounced effects on females with #AFib (8/9)

Key #SexDifferences identified in #AFib:

❤️⬇️ L-type calcium current density in males
❤️⬆️ ryanodine receptor phosphorylation, calcium sparks, & inward NaCa exchanger currents in females

The results support #SexSpecific therapies to manage #Afib (9/9)

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