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Mar 23, 2022, 11 tweets

Weekly Summary - March 23

It's that time of the week again for weekly summary of gains/losses for the following projects:
@tombfinance @HectorDAO_HEC @nemesis_dao @osmosiszone @AngelNodes @ThorNodes @VaporNodes

Take a look below and tell me what you think.


2/ @tombfinance and $TShare had a tough week, continuing a decline. This is mainly due to $FTM dumping. But I'm anticipating a long period where $Tomb will start printing. So moved my $TShare / $FTM LP over to #Tomb so I can print #TShare. Will move $Tomb into new $Tomb / $MAI LP

3/ @HectorDAO_HEC came out of nowhere this week with some good price action. #HECTEAM implemented a $15K+ OTC treasury direct sell feature that will really help the price dumps. Will see if the momentum continues.

4/ @nemesis_dao price is struggling and continues to decline. Bottom should be coming soon, the team is announcing some #deflationary measures next week, along w/ a new ecosystem tool #NEMPRO.

5/ @osmosiszone continues to shine for me, continuing to give great $OSMO rewards which I started compounding back into $LUNA / $OSMO LP. Also #SuperfluidStaking was rolled out to more pools, including $LUNA / $OSMO. Will keep this rolling!

6/ @ThorNodes saw some positive price action last week, but bouncing back down after the uptrend. Boring and consistent rewards, was able to cash out $115 and take advantage of a deal on @AngelNodes w/ the rewards. Pretty useful having some flexibility.

7/ @VaporNodes had a nice price run but is now seeing the downtrend. Was able to #Compound rewards again into another node, now almost having double the nodes than I started with a month ago. Current #Node count is 5 and compounding new nodes should start accelerating.

8/ @AngelNodes is starting to see some good potential. Price is consistent and I now have 3 #Nodes upgrading. In about 1 month, I will have 3 #Nemesis nodes producing 1 $AngeL / Day / $15/day with the current price, which I talked about:

9/ Lastly, waiting on some big news and announcements with @evergrowcoinEGC. Had a lot of Q1 deliverables and investors are starting to get impatient. However, I'm very bullish on this project and looking forward to seeing where it goes! Hopefully it'll be to the moon!

10/ That's it for this week. I think I'll post a thread on using @osmosiszone, especially as a investigate the @cosmos airdrops a little more.

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