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Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

Mar 25, 2022, 8 tweets

Any translation of this new document released by Russia on Hunter Biden & UKR so-called "biolabs"?

“Coordination of Biological Labs & Scientific Research Centers of Ukraine & US"

via Daily Beast from Telegram/RIA Novost

Only place I could find more images was here on Sputnik News:…

and a few more, some in English, some in Russian

Trying to keep tabs on the document releases is difficult due to the ongoing propaganda war.

My opinion is that all documents should be carefully examined and assessed even if they form part of a Russian "active measures campaign

AFAIK nobody has translated the full set of documents and images published here previously by Russian MOD on 10/03/2022:…

I don't have time myself right now.

I did politely ask the "experts" who debated the issue

@izakaminska @FilippaLentzos @gregkoblentz

But no clarification yet.

You can view the transcript of their discussion here:…

Also found 4 images on Telegram…

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