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Mar 25, 2022, 6 tweets

WHO & the Government of #India🇮🇳 today agreed to establish the WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine, to maximize the potential of traditional medicines through modern science and technology

Around 80% of the world’s population is estimated to use traditional medicine.
To date, 170 of the 194 WHO Member States have reported the use of traditional medicine

The term traditional medicine describes the knowledge, skills & practices indigenous & different cultures have used over time to maintain health and prevent, diagnose & treat physical and mental illness - from acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, herbal mixtures to modern medicines.

Some 40% of approved pharmaceutical products in use today derive from natural substances, highlighting the vital importance of conserving biodiversity and sustainability

💊 The discovery of aspirin drew on traditional medicine formulations using the bark of the willow tree
💊 The contraceptive pill was developed from the roots of wild yam plants
💊 Child cancer treatments have been based on the rosy periwinkle.

#DYK: Nobel-prize winning research on artemisinin for malaria control started with a review of ancient Chinese medicine texts

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