Rainforest Action Network (RAN) Profile picture
RAN sides with frontline communities to protect forests, climate, and human rights. End Conflict Palm Oil. Defund climate change. https://t.co/4Y47oS6Jz6

Mar 25, 2022, 5 tweets

We teamed up with @Justseeds to share these beautiful works of art in solidarity with the Indigenous Batak peoples of North Sumatra, Indonesia, whose sacred forests are currently being threatened by predatory agribusiness. RT this thread in solidarity!

Art: Andrea Narno

For the Indigenous Batak Peoples of North Sumatra, land is their identity. If they lose their land and their forests, they lose a part of themselves.

Art: Saiyare Refaei

We’ve been following and supporting the Pargamanan-Bintang Maria community in the fight for their forests. They have faced criminalization by local law enforcement and violence from expanding pulp and paper business TPL. But that hasn’t stopped them.

Art: Fernando Marti

Meanwhile, @ProcterGamble (maker of @tide and @Pantene) is claiming that their #palmoil supply chain has nothing to do with TPL, and presents itself as a “sustainability leader” – but we know it’s all a hoax. P&G is complicit in forest destruction.

Art: Monica Trinidad

Share these artworks to show @ProcterGamble that we won’t tolerate human rights abuses in their supply chain! The Indigenous Batak peoples must be respected.

Link to share with pre-made captions here 👉 act.ran.org/page/39415/sub…

Art: Kill Joy

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