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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Mar 26, 2022, 15 tweets

So what prompted Shri @narendramodi to devote is entire life in the cause of uplifting the life of the last Indian standing in the last line of Indian social order- hear it in the words of Dr Anil Raval! #ModiStory

We all see @narendramodi as a successful man today; we all are invested in his success as know that inherently linked to his success is that of ours -but behind his success is years of Tapasya, love and support of his compatriots-no wonder he was crying inconsolably 👇🏻 #ModiStory

This incident narrated by PM @narendramodi ‘s associate in Haryana is an example of why he commands such respect, loyalty & commitment of his folks-if u can do basic stuff urself and ur team knows it, they always ensure that u always hv more time to do bigger things #ModiStory

How PM @narendramodi ‘s mom makes it a point to give him “Shagan money” as her blessings, during his visits is well known to everyone today; but just watch Sudha Yadav Ji narrate this incident of NM parting with ₹11 decades ago; do watch her eyes turn moist! #ModiStory

The story of Aniket is the story of @narendramodi - more and more such stories and anecdotes from his journey to the top can be found on to bring out inspiring moments from PM @narendramodi's life and narrated by his co-travellers. #ModiStory

Narrated by Jayaprakash Desai Ji, this incident from PM @narendramodi’s life is less about love for gadgets and more about that habit of staying ahead of others- it is that trait, along with several others, that make PM @narendramodi ‘s journey to the top so special. #ModiStory

जिसने अपने ज़रूरतें शुरू से ही इतनी सीमित कर ली थी, उसका सत्ता के आते ही, स्वयं या अपनों के लिए येन केन प्रकारेण धन अर्जन करने की लालसा से बचा रहना ही उनकी सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है- ६० साल का सार्वजनिक जीवन और एक भी दाग का ना होना इसका परिचायक है - ये है @narendramodi की #ModiStory

How many of u even know your own Pratap, as well as PM @narendramodi knew his-hear Hasmukh Adhia narrate this story of the man to know what makes him so great. So many might call me bhakt but how many of u can ignore this incident in support of claim of his greatness! #ModiStory

And here is our own @KanchanGupta dada narrating an incident from the days of ABV days. This incident not only tells us about @narendramodi’s attention for detail but it also proves how important LOTUS is to our movement! #ModiStory

Borrowing from MRFs punchline used for their ads in 90s; @narendramodi is a leader, that never tires!

Listen to @pullelagopicha1 narrate this incident from not so far! #ModiStory

And no it is NOT one off incident but a habit, @narendramodi ‘s habit that makes him win love of everyone around him and those who come in contact with him! #ModiStory

What makes @narendramodi so special ?

Simple answer is that he makes you feel special!

More of such stories from PMs life journey, narrated by his co travelers in their own words on and brought to u by amazing team of @themodistory Lovely initiative!

Winning election becomes easy if you can keep your feet and ears on the ground & developing that trait is difficult as power- the. outcome of the election win- ensures that u don’t develop it at all. This is why @narendramodi is so different. #ModiStory

“Not in this lifetime,may b in nxt lifetime,if I get time then”-is how @narendramodi replied Kedar jee wen he asked him abt taking a break,as he went to invite his Narendra Bhaisaab for his son’s marriage!

Commitment n dedication to Bharat is what makes #ModiStory so special!

Credit for this entire thread goes FULLY to the amazing initiative of the team of @TheModiStory - do visit for more such heart warming and untold stories from PM @narendramodi ‘s life in the words of his Co-travelers! #ModiStory

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