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Jujutsu Kaisen | Bleach | Yamato - I make threads (check pinned) - not spoiler free. stealing from bots szn.

Mar 27, 2022, 15 tweets

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A thread of some of my favourite symbolic instances of Luffy liberating others


Letโ€™s start with the first one, Luffyโ€™s first liberation in freeing Koby from his enslavement at the hands of Alvida and allowing him to join the Navy, even though his now friend would be becoming an enemy, Luffy chooses freedom over adversity.

Thereโ€™s a couple in between then and now that Iโ€™ll skip over.

Nami gets the double whammy of liberations, Luffy frees Nami personally here and covers her with his hat, showing she is under his protection now.

He later frees Cocoyasi Village when he destroys Arlong Park.

Hiriluik establishes his Jolly Roger as the symbol of freedom for the people of Drum Island which Wapol relentlessly targets as a symbol of his oppression of the people.

Luffy holding the flag high symbolises his liberation of Drum Island from Wapol.

My personal favourite, I could have used so many panels from this chapter but this felt best.

Luffy driving Crocodile to the surface, out of the shadows of being Mr 0 and exposing the false hero of Alabasta and letting the people regain faith in the Nefeltaris.

This is then followed up by the symbolic rain in Alabasta, signalling the end of the drought brought on by Croc.

The people of Skypiea are freed from Enel, their oppressive God. But this is not the only freedom Luffy provides in ringing the bell at El Dorado.

Luffy also gives peace to the Montblanc name and proves ultimately that Noland was not the liar society conveyed him as.

Probably the most significant, and arguably still to have paid off. Luffy having the World Government flag burned at Enies Lobby signals that Luffy intends to liberate the entire world.

This was a difficult one, especially seeing as thereโ€™s a bunch of Dawn symbolism right after it. But Luffy physically liberating the shadows of his allies from inside Moria feels right for this.

The people of Fishman Island placing their entire faith in Luffy, allowing him to destroy the Ark and save them is a fantastic moment seeing as they originally thought he would destroy them.

Doflamingo frustrates Luffy to his absolute limit, suffocating him as an absolute symbolism of oppression.

Luffy drives Doffy out of the sky and into the ground, symbolically bringing down the false God of Dressrosa.

(Also I know itโ€™s the G4 sfx but kinda looks like drums)

Luffy liberated Katakuri from the immense pressure of being the strongest. Katakuri was oppressed by the image he had given himself as the absolute protector of WCI, in seeing Luffyโ€™s determination he lays down, freeing himself from even the rumour that he never lies down.

Luffy frees Yamato from the cuffs, which symbolise Kaidoโ€™s oppression of his child.

And finally, Luffy will liberate Wano itself and bring about the Dawn. Nika, one who liberates slaves and brings smiles to faces.

Drop some of your favourite Luffy liberations below!

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