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Mar 28, 2022, 26 tweets

One Piece Theory

The True History of Sun God Nika


Now that officials of the chapter are out, we can finally speak about it without concern for spoilers.

The biggest revelation of the chapter was that Luffy's fruit is actually a Zoan (which have minds of their own btw) It is really the Mythical Zoan: Hito Hito no Mi. Model: Nika

In this scene we get the small piece of context that the fruit has been 'evading' them for 800 years. This tells us that the last time it was awakened was at the end of the Void Century.

What little we know of those events includes that they ended 800 years ago.

The reveal that Luffy is Joyboy & that Nika was the name of Joyboy's fruit gives us the parallel to the famous bonfire dance scene in Skypiea, known to be one of Oda's favourite scenes.

It seems that Oda is encouraging us to look back at Skypiea for answers.

When we look back in hindsight, somethings become clear that were not before. Most important of all is the fall of Shandora. This happened 800 years ago, likely being the sight of the final battle of the Void War.

Shandora was destroyed for protecting the Poneglyphs.

Why were the Shandorians protect the Poneglyphs and how did a stockpile of them arrive in Shandora? The Poneglyphs were made by the Kozuki & Wano is on the other side of the world. Or at least it is now.

Many will know already that i've theorised before that Wano's Flower Capital is the missing left eye of Jaya & that it was moved by Oars, the Continent Puller in a time of crisis. I believe that the Battle of Shandora would have been the cause of this incident.

The reason for moving Wano from Jaya connects us back to the words of Professor Clover. The people of the past recorded & encrypted history in indestructible stone for fear of the message being destroyed.

Robin learned in Skypiea that this is what happened to Shandora's history

But what history was it that the Shandorians were trying to protect? We often think that the Void Century itself holds all the answers but then why did the Poneglyphs already exist in those times? What happened before the Void Century?

The winged people came down from the moon.

What little we know of these events comes from these cover pages and context clues in Skypiea & Wano.

3 winged races came down from a moon city called Birka in search of natural resources.

Shandorian, Lunarian & Skypiean

This connects back to Skypiea again, through the scene where Gan Fall explains that Jaya had become known as 'The Holy Land' because it provided soil to cultivates these natural resources. They called this soil, 'Vearth'.

It was explained by Gan Fall that the appearance of part of Jaya in the sky was like a miracle for providing this land. This connects us to The Red Line, which we now know was the home of the Lunarians.

Both places became known as God's Land and Holy Land

The parallel between Skypiea and Mariejois continues when we look at it through the perspective of Enel and his motivations. It is this parallel that beings to potentially give us some answer on what happened that led to the war that caused the Void Century.

Enel's motive was to drag all those he deemed unworthy down from the sky and reach the moon (Fairy Vearth) to create a new God's Land.

This is not only a reverse of what the winged people did, it likely gives us insight into Imu's motivations.

We know that Mariejois was taken from the Lunarians and is now the location of the World Government's most important building. The residence of not only the Celestials and the Gorosei but also Imu as well.

The Room of Flower itself is evidence of this connection.

So then perhaps the history that the Shandorians were trying to protect, with the help of their Wano neighbours, was the existence of the Lunarian kingdom and proof of Imu's false claim.

It would make sense if the Shandorians were to want to preserve the memory of their kin

In fact, that is the purpose of the Great Bell that once stood in the Golden City of Shandora, to honour the memories of the ancestors and reassure them that their descendants live on.

The fall of the Lunarian kingdom was likely to be a significant part of the fall of the Ancient Kingdom, if not the entirety of it. All available evidence suggests that the winged races forged bonds with other races of the blue planet & created a prosperous kingdom.

It is likely this event that led to the beginning of the conflict that ended with the final battle at Shandora. In these events we know that 20 Kings allied with Imu to oppose the Ancient Kingdom.

It is likely that the Ancient Weapons were formed as a defence.

The Ancient Kingdom lost the war and the World Government came to power, the 20 Kings becoming known as the Celestial Dragons, although on refuses the oath, perhaps out of guilt, this was the Nefertari.

After the Ancient Kingdom fell and Imu came to power, oppression of freedom began, races were segregated, cultures were oppressed and history was censored.

This is where the Sun God Nika comes into the picture.

The Warrior of Liberation.

I believe that the 'Sun God' Nika was not a literal God but was in fact the leader of the people of Jaya during the time of the Void Century, before Wano & Shandora were separated. Connecting back to Gan Fall explaining that 'God' is just supposed to be a title for their leader

With the parallel of Enel & Gan Fall in mind, it adds up that Nika was the 'God' in these terms until he was usurped and after this became a warrior fighting for peace and liberation

The role of Sun God Nika then was most likely as the leader of the people of Jaya and the leader of the alliance that formed the rebellion against the false God Imu to take back the Holy Land and liberated the oppressed races.

The reunification of the Ancient Kingdom

This attempts at liberation connect us to FMI & the promise Joyboy made the Poseidon to bring them to the surface and be free of borders.

It seems that he got close but failed & Ancient Kingdom became more divided, when Wano separated from Jaya.

To conclude, this connects us back to the Battle of Shandora, fought to protect the Poneglyphs. The most important among them was the Poneglyph revealing Poseidon's location.

This makes it seem likely that Joyboy's defeated at Shandora was the failed meeting of the Two Sovereign

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