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As the prevailing voices in the public spotlight are predominantly men, stepping into the spotlight with the truth of who you are as a woman is political change

Mar 30, 2022, 7 tweets

Under poor leadership of Farmaajo, Somalia has experienced the worst spike in al-Shabaab attacks and growth. Farmaajo has made little to zero efforts to push back the heinous terror group.
Here is a thread of Farmaajo's efforts to embolden the terrorists:

Farmaajo's thirst for power made him forget war on terror and has been redeploying troops from the frontlines to territories of his political opponents. More to the threat of AS, #Gedo is also affected by drought but over 10M USD was used to deployed troops to rig elections

Last month, in efforts to rig in Fahad Yasin, Somali forces redeployed from Muqdisho killed #Beledweyne police commissioner, Mohamed Hussein Duurdage.
Farmaajo also refused to remove troops from Gedo to help Qoor qoor fight AS in Galmudug.

#Somalia receives military support from our allies. Thousands of troops have been trained and have received military equipment & funding, but no results. The commander in chief misuses the skilled troops to settle political scores instead of deploying them to battlefronts.

Same is the case of our brothers and sons stuck in the treacherous #Eritrea camps. The only reason why the boys were sent there in secret is because they are to be used to rig the elections, and not to eradicate AS and help maintain security of our country. #BringBackOurBoys

After all the investment in military equipment, these guns and vehicles end up in the hands of al Shabaab. It confirms how Farmaajo has collaborated with AS to do his dirty work including political assassinations.

Farmaajo is still willing to entertain the incompetent AMISOM for a further 3 years, even though they can not show fruits of their presence in #Somalia. The war on AS can not be successful under such clumsy leadership.
For the sake of our country, Farmaajo must FALL!

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