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Owner of a large and slightly weirdly-shaped head. | "Can become unpleasant when stressed." - Reviewer 2 | Purveyor of #GenderBalancingClothingCommentary

Mar 31, 2022, 5 tweets

Looking sharp, @AlboMP.
@RichardMarlesMP also looking smart tonight.
Both @tanya_plibersek and @terrimbutler show the blokes how to combine colours more creatively than just a grey or navy suit with a white shirt.

Also bringing his A-game is @BOConnorMP, although the tie knot is just a smidge asymmetric.

The grey suit trend has infiltrated the second row of the government benches but the front bench remains in thrall to The Blue Suit Cult (or the navy near-neighbour).

Fewer blue suits on the opposition benches, mostly because there are so many more women sitting on them.
Are they senators sitting at the back wall? I think I spy @Malarndirri19 on the right.

Another view of the opposition benches.
Quite a bit of Labor red among the women but still far too much blue among the men.

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