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Fact-Checker, Co-founder @AltNews | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: | insta :

Apr 1, 2022, 25 tweets

Several RW Politicians and RW trolls have been trending #BoycottHimalaya by sharing Himalaya's Halal certificate. Just because Himalaya is owned by a Muslim. BTW 9 out of 10 in Himalaya leadership team of Himalaya are Hindus. THREAD on their hypocrisy and Muslim Hate 👇👇

Here is Halal certificate of Adani. Will the Right Wing boycott Adani products?
@SirPareshRawal ?

Here is Halal certificate for Reliance product. Will you boycott Reliance?

Here is Halal certificate for Tata consumer products? Will you boycott Tata?

Here is Halal certificate for Tata Consumer chemicals. Will you boycott Tata Chemicals?

Here is Halal certificate for Parle products. Will you boycott Parle products?

Here is Halal certificate for Hindustan Unilever limited. Will you stop buying Horlicks and boost and boycott HUL?

Will you boycott Krishna industries?

Here is Halal certificate for Kwality foods. Will you boycott Kwality foods?

Here is Halal certificate for Amul products. Will you boycott and stop eating Ice creams? 🤡

Here is Halal certificate for Dabur. Will you boycott Dabur Products?

How about Desai products? 🫤

Here is Halal certificate of Milky must Dairy. Want to boycott? 🤫

Here is Halal certificate of Mother Dairy. Want to Boycott?

Here is Halal certificate of Nestle. Will you stop drinking Coffee and Tea and boycott Nestle? 🫣

Here is Halal certificate of ITac products. Will you stop buying ITC products

Here is Halal certificate for Ramdev food products pvt ltd from Ahmedabad. Will you boycott @SirPareshRawal 🙄

Here's Halal certificate of Britannia. Will you boycott Britannia? Tin Tin Tidin?

Halal certificate of Tiffany food. Boycott?

Halal certificate of Om Industry

Halal certified for Everest products. How many of you use Everest masalas. Will you stop cooking? 😏T

Oh forgot to mention Patanjali owned by @yogrishiRamdev. The guy explains the meaning of Halal just so that Patanjali lovers doesn't get confused.

Also, Licious is halal certified.
True Nationalist, Mohandas Pai & his sons are investors in this company.

The Tender Chicken you buy in Karnataka, which was promoted by BJP MLA @CTRavi_BJP is halal certified too...

Also, @myojasvita by Gurudev @SriSri Ravishankar ji's @SriSriTattva is completely HALAL Certified.
Hope Right Wing will not boycott this Ayurvedic Bournvita.. I mean, Ojasvita..

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