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Middle East security analyst, Phd, author of #DroneWars bylines @Jerusalem_Post @BreakingDefense adjunct fellow @FDD Exec Dir. @MidEast_Center @GulfIsrael;

Apr 2, 2022, 7 tweets

We decided to make Murgh Makhani at #chezfrantzman

We followed several recipes.

We bought four chicken breasts, cut them into large pieces and marinade with garlic and ginger paste; chopped green chili, yogurt, paprika (sweet), chili powder, garam masala and dried coriander

Salt, dried fenugreek leaves. Turmeric. Teaspoon of oil. Can add cinnamon, saffron and lemon. Crushed mustard seeds. Put overnight and then on skewers and bake or grill on high heat until slightly blackened on the outside; we basted them in a bit of butter ghee an ginger-garlic

For the sauce: In a large pot; begin with 2 tbsps. butter ghee and crushed garlic, then three whole green cardamom, add 1 cinnamon stick and dash of cloves and keep on medium heat several minutes. Some recipes call for fenugreek leaves. Put a dash of salt. Some add onions.

Using a mortar and pestle crush 16 cashews, dash of dried mustard seed, dash of dried fennel, clove of garlic, bit of ginger, green cardamom; In a small pot add butter ghee, add grated ginger, garlic paste, sliced green or red chilis, saffron,

and dash of chili powder and garam masala (you can use a bit of leftover marinade); then add the crushed cashew mixture from the pestle and add tomato puree; ADD this to the sauce and cook down on medium heat. Some blend and strain all this.

Add the chicken from the skewers. Add a cup of warm water until it’s slightly covering the chicken. You can add a dash of honey and fenugreek powder and dash of cinnamon. Cook several minutes and add in a cup of double cream, cook down for several minutes, salt to taste.

Serve with basmati rice (we added saffron to this as well); and garnish with fresh coriander.

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