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Apr 2, 2022, 35 tweets


Gen Bipin Rawat was right.

The man who coined term "Two & Half Front War"
0.5 front[Enemies inside]

Recently, CJI Ramana said in event
Foreign companies worked against Indian vaccine & many in India [like WIRE] sought to ensure that Covaxin doesn't get recognition



Conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action

such as Social Engineering
Cyber attacks along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence & fully autonomous systems.

A war of "Information & perception"

Lets understand with an example.

Remember Greta Thunberg's TOOLKIT?

Deleted after it revealed global designs against India, campaign underway since at least Nov-20

Document clarifies that it's NOT an organic wave of support but well-planned PROPAGANDA
against Indian gov🇮🇳


When people noticed what was in those documents, the international campaign against India suffered a major blow.

Although Greta Thunberg has deleted the tweet, but the DAMAGE was already done.


Document shared by Greta listed series of actions that people across world could take to support ‘farmer protests’
& also listed actions that had been undertaken

Document also made it clear that global attempts to incite unrest in India had begun prior to Republic Day riots


The documents also contained tweets that could be posted to build pressure against the Indian Government.

- a well-planned PROPAGANDA against the Indian government.


Access to Toolkit documents has been made private after the backlash prompted by the tweet made by Greta Thunberg.

& If we searched a few tweets, we found these results. The results show that the campaign has been ongoing since at least November 2020.


Earlier,celebrities & politicians including

Mia Khalifa
Canadian MP & others had come forward in support of farmer protests

But document shared by Greta has made it clear that


Greta was JUST 1 example

Intelligence Bureau report👇

“The concerted effort by select FOREIGN FUNDED NGOs to “TAKE DOWN” Indian developmental projects”,

Negative effects of such ANTI-developmental activities on GDP growth is estimated to be at 2-3%…


The Indian army wants to take Brahmos missile to the China border.


because matter is stuck in "court"

NGO is unnecessarily or INTENTIONALLY stretching the matter!

How can we EVEN CONSIDER THIS decision as a matter of debate?…


NGO's are actually raising concern for the interest of CHINA!

Although I don't have proof to substantiate this but I believe some NGOs must have been receiving huge funding from foreign territory.

Taking BrahMos to the China border: Ecology vs security!


The roads that we have planned to construct are pretty much resistant to land slides, this argument (entire case)

by the NGO is unnecessarily or INTENTIONALLY stretching the matter.


Supreme Court is unnecessarily escalating this issue in a clear sense of practicality,
Government of India🇮🇳 is right.

Central should bring ordinance preventing unnecessary interruptions by such NGOs in matters of NATIONAL SECURITY.


Chinese video from #GalwanValley was from well inside Chinese side of LAC near their base camp.

As usual filmed from angles designed to poke & taunt, because PROPAGANDA is an instrument China has employed

Indians who were sharing that video,getting used by


In the past,do you remember?

“foreign funded NGOs to “TAKE DOWN” Indian developmental projects”

1.Narmada Bachao Andolan
2.Coal fired power plants
3.Genetically modified organisms
4.Posco Orissa
5.Vedanta Orissa
6.Nuclear infrastructure
7.Agitations against extractive ind


The Intelligence Bureau report dated June 3, 2014 on

“The concerted effort by select foreign funded NGOs to “take down” Indian developmental projects”

names seven “protest movements” as significant anti-developmental activities.


The report begins prominently by saying that negative effects of such anti-developmental activities on GDP growth is estimated to be at 2-3%.

“Foreign funded NGOs to “TAKE DOWN” Indian developmental projects”

1.Narmada Bachao Andolan
-Megha Patkar's NGO received SAME AMOUNT OF 5,96,294 in 1 DAY FROM 20 different people in 2005

मेधा पाटकर के NGO को 2005 में एक ही दिन 20 अलग-अलग लोग एक समान धनराशि 5,96,294 देते है

In all certainty,this would land you in the net of the investigating agencies,

But... This is NOT the case with so called "environmental activist" Medha Patkar,
despite receiving such suspicious funds, has evaded law enforcement for 17 years.

For 30 YEARS

AAP Gujarat candidate Medha Patkar who lost Lok Sabha elections,had done her best to DELAY the Narmada Dam project.

Aamir khan whose #LalSinghChaddha will release now, also supported then in 2006

Today the same Narmada Dam irrigates 900 villages in 3 states.


Lacs of cases are pending in SC,
some of them are going on from last 2 generations

#SupremeCourtofIndia didn't have "time"!

Even they don't wanna hear about genocide victim Kashmiri Pandits.


SC opens at 3 am for TERRORISTS, They have time for rioters & Rohigyas!


Again #SupremeCourtofIndia

A 4 year old girl is kidnapped, brutally RAPED till unconscious & suffocated till killed by heart attack.

Her RAPIST & MURDERER Mohd. FIROZ won’t get a death sentence.

As UU Lalit,Ravindra Bhat,Bela Trivedi believes
“Every Sinner has a future”


well again #SupremeCourtofIndia

A man was sent to jail in 2019 for diluting milk in 1995!


Genocide of Kashmiri Hindus committed in 1990 CANNOT be probed!


अब न्यायपालिका मे सुधार का समय आ गया है...

न्याय जनता का अधिकार है।

जज की जवाबदेही तय होनी चाहिए।
देरी से न्याय के लिए जज पर जुर्माना लगना चाहिए
जज की संख्या बढे।
कोर्ट मे category wise FIFO पद्धति लागु हो।



Teesta Setalvad

A Fraud activist who-

- Tutored 22 people to become witness who actually didn't even witness riots.

- Used Zakia Jafri to run campaign agnst NaMo

- Misused funds to incite communal disharmony.

- Brought expensive Liquor, mobile from riot victim fund.


Former IPS officer RB Sreekumar, arrested by Gujarat Police today for fake & misleading information on post-Godhra Gujarat violence

And framing scientist Nambi Narayanan in the fake 'ISRO spy case'


Our system is such that anybody can say any loose statement & get away with that.

I'm very happy to note that Former IPS RB Sreekumar has been arrested because there is limit for everything & he is crossing all the limits in terms of decency

- ISRO scientist Nambi Narayan


Read ISRO scientist Dr Nambi Narayanan’s spine-chilling testimony on how Former IPS Sreekumar oversaw his framing & brutal torture
And by doing so single-handedly set back our cryogenic research by decades.



A Fake ISRO spy case.

ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan was falsely charged & suffered for 24 years.

The first indigenous cryogenic engine would have made in 1999 itself, It finally took flight in 2014.

Such inside Enemies in this country pushed our nation 15 years back.


Maulana #SalmanNadwi who attended interfaith meeting with NSA Doval,backtracks on proposal to ban PFI.
had earlier sworn allegiance to ISIS.

The conference passed resolution to ban PFI involved in radicalism,Recent killing of Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur or Bihar terror module.


Couple of days ago this very same maulana #SalmanNadwi was bear-hugging NSA Ajit Doval & shaking his hands animatedly at the Inter faith religious unity meet,
And asking for the PFI to be banned.

Now he says exact opposite, praises PFI (Islamist org Popular Front of India)


Turns out this man, Maulana Salman Nadwi, had congratulated Al Baghdadi on becoming a caliph.

And even expressed his excitement at establishment of ISIS (Islamist terrorist organization)

After all this & still #SalmanNadwi was present in meeting with NSA Doval Last Week.


Aamir khan & Atul were involved in Narmada Anadolan (whose #LalSinghChaddha will release)
with so called "environmental activist" Medha Patkar.

Foreign funded NGOs to TAKE DOWN Indian developmental projects

Recently Greta's TOOLKIT

Gen Rawat was right
2 & Half Front War

Who is Mohsin Ahmad?

1. Active ISIS member arrested by NIA from Batla house,Delhi

2. He was collecting funds from ISIS sympathizers & sending those funds to various places in form of cryptocurrency for ISIS activities

AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan defending him due to religion


कोई भी आतंकी-दंगाई अरेस्ट होता है तो AAP का विधायक उसके बचाव में उतर आता है।

चाहे ताहिर हुसैन हो
या ISIS का कल पकड़ा गया आतंकी Mohsin Ahmad
या बाटला हाउस एनकाउंटर।

बाटला हाउस एनकाउंटर को केजरीवाल भी फेक बता चुका है।

ये कट्टर आतंकी समर्थक खुद को कट्टर देशभक्त बताते हैं।

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