Barry Fried 🇮🇱 Profile picture
Sr. Research @chaos_labs | Not related to SBF | white monster gang

Apr 2, 2022, 14 tweets

Here’s a quick reminder of how underrated @MoonriverNW #Moonriver DeFi is

There are 2 main DEXes on Moonriver (besides for Sushiswap)-@Solarbeamio and @HuckleberryDEX, yet for some reason people haven’t discovered their yield opportunities 🤷‍♂️

Let’s start with @Solarbeamio:

Deposit $FRAX+ 3pool ($USDT, $USDC, $BUSD), and earn 27% APR
Risk= very low

Deposit $WBTC+ $USDC LP tokens and earn 131% APR
This is a relatively new pool, so get in quick!

If your bullish on $KSM, deposit $KSM- $stKSM LP tokens and earn 26% APR with basically no IL!
Risk= low/moderate

Deposit $USDC- $MOVR LP tokens and earn 71% APR

Another juicy blue chip farm. $xcKSM- $MOVR and earn 88% APR

Note: All farming rewards are payed out in $SOLAR.

$SOLAR has multiple utilities to mitigate this potential sell pressure.

Check out the farms here👇

Lock and stake the $SOLAR token to receive $veSOLAR, which can be used in multiple ways:
1. Stake $veSOLAR and earn 254% APR!
2. Governance
3. Receive higher allocation to their launchpad!

More uses cases coming👀

Similar to $veCRV, lockers can lock their tokens for up to 4 years, with longest lockers receiving the highest reward multipliers.

If you unlock before the period ends, you’ll receive an early exit penalty of 75% 😬 (the tokens are then burned)

Lock wisely!

Now on the other hand, @HuckleberryDEX farms, or as they call “Rivers”, are definitely more Degen-ish.

The safest play here is definitely the $MOVR- $DOT farm, earning 65% APR for LPing!

$KAR- $MOVR pool pays out 105% APR

Farms are paid out in $FINN, and like $SOLAR, reduce sell pressure through multiple use cases

These are the only farms with an advantage over @Solarbeamio, but check here for all opportunities👇

Stake your $FINN to earn $TOM, receiving .05% fee revenue from swaps (like $xSUSHI)

This $TOM can be used in many different ways:
1. Stake this $TOM to earn more auto-compounded $TOM with 483% APY!
2. Stake $TOM to earn certain Moonriver eco projects! (Not available rn)

@HuckleberryDEX also offers lending/borrowing, most notably offering 11% on $USDT and $DOT deposits!…

Remember, as the @MoonriverNW TVL inevitably grows billions of dollars through games, DeFi applications, etc., these DEXes will receive much more volume, driving growth to $SOLAR and $FINN token holders👀

Take advantage of these opportunities before this happens!

On a side note, congrats to all you Dotsama degens who stuck to the fundamentals and ignored PA. I truly believe we’re just getting started! Love you all❤️

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