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Аморальний авторитет в @grntmedia. Печальний пупсік на англомовному @tvtoront. Average border collie enjoyer.

Apr 3, 2022, 14 tweets

A very important thread.
Q&A about Azov.

1. Preamble.

2. Are all members of Azov neo-nazis?

3. Is Azov an official structure?

4. Who serves in Azov?

5. Is the head of Azov also a leader of the far-right party “National Corps”?

6. Is Natsionalni Druzhyny a part of Azov?

7. Is Azov a fighting wing of the National Corps?

8. Do the far-right from Europe/USA serve in Azov?

9. Is Azov extremist?

10. Were the members of Azov involved in war crimes?

11. Does Azov stand for “the purity of the white race”?

12. Does Azov conduct torchlight processions?

13. Does Azov glorify nazi ideology?

14. Have Azov fighters committed war crimes in Mariupol?

Why does Western audience continue to express concern about Azov (pt. 1)

Why does Western audience continue to express concern about Azov (pt. 3 and 3)

About the author.

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