Kevin Chiang, MD, MEd Profile picture
Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellow, PGY-4 | IG | Brooks Running Collective πŸ‘Ÿ | Humabeing 🌱 | SaltStick πŸ§‚ | BibRave 🍊

Apr 3, 2022, 20 tweets

🧡 The Developmental Milestones of a Medical Student: A Sarcastic Thread

Ever wonder if medical students are meeting their age-appropriate milestones?! Well now you can know!

Starting with: Developmental Milestones – 2 Months

#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #PedsTwitter


Developmental Milestones – 4 Months


Developmental Milestones – 6 Months


Developmental Milestones – 9 Months


Developmental Milestones – 12 Months


Developmental Milestones – 15 Months


Developmental Milestones – 18 Months


Developmental Milestones – 2 Years


Developmental Milestones – 30 Months


Developmental Milestones – 3 Years


Developmental Milestones – 4 Years


Tagging more peds mutuals b/c if anyone knows milestones well enough to β€œget” this, it’s you πŸ˜› @KeishaTarget @BenMalamet @juanfariast @LisaNUmeh @sebrewington @axel_ivander_ @CarlosVarelaCh @KishmalaDr @ashley_radig @aimeedac @OliviaFamilusi @launicabianca @ashleyh0llo

Tagging tweetiatricians b/c if anyone knows the milestones well enough to "get" this, it's you πŸ˜› @NicoleB_MD @shriver_amy @pediatricskc @SpringateMD @JeanMoorjani @IvoryJanee @meganedurham @JennyVuMD @Dr_Michael_PJ @DrRobbieMD @AEdwardsMD @acweyand @LedgeMD @DrAylaSays

Tagging tweetiatrician mutuals bc if anyone knows milestones well enough to "get" this, it's you πŸ˜› @jakemiller717 @DrScottHadland @DrRayMD @dilaraonur_med @kristenak003 @KelsGavs @PhilManuelM @RADarkoMD @AlanaNSnyder @annamcheng @mcsnyder03 @KidsDocSteph @PunjabiPutri @ithihas19

Tagging more fellow resident tweetiatricians b/c if anyone knows the milestones well enough to "get" this, it's you πŸ˜› @MeganRegnell @CurtisBashoreMD @globalpedsdoc @drnikkikatalin @Dr_amoytheemd @PedsPlntsPepprs @laura_zimny @rebthiel @AnnieSuydam @HannahCohanMD @beccajMD

Tagging my Pittsburgh Pediatricians because yinz will 100% know the milestones well enough to "get" this πŸ˜› @danieljweiner @HeckCarly @RachelVaizer @juliampantalone @CLCockburn @KMBaileylab @maria_anne20 @MadKav_MD @sera_chams @AditiJainMD @CHPBugDoc @janejk22 @KRayHSR

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