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Apr 4, 2022, 6 tweets

✴️37 FIR, 55 Attacks, 66 Lives

✴️A genoc!de

✴️32 years

An experimental visual depiction!

📽️WATCH: Who Patronized a Teπorist?


Sharing some findings, during making this video.

GTD (Global Terror!sm Database) recorded confirmed and 'reported' attacks carried out by JKLF.
55 Attacks, 66 Lives (mostly police, citizens & Military)


UNHCR - Refugess World documented JKLF as a "Nationalist Secular" group, based on a BBC report. Ironically, it has not a single word for Kashmiri Pandits who become refugees in their own country.


JKLF had zone representation across Europe and America with offices. Since the beginning JKLF has had good support from the EU. JKLF strategically targets the EU to gain a global platform.


A typical EU delegation India visit schedule has everything (meeting with Hurriyat, Yasin Malik, Kashmir "experts", NGO, MHA, Dy CM, CM) but Kashmiri Pandits.

Pictures of the EU delegation are covered in the video.


This is a report by John Pike (FAS Intelligence Program, USA). The one-sided version of JKLF EU and Americans had is entirely in contrast (no surprises). They usually have NO mentions of KPs.

Check the office JKLF had globally. And fundings from Gulf countries.

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