Achim Zeileis Profile picture
Statistics, science, software.

Apr 4, 2022, 8 tweets

CRAN Task Views relaunched with many improvements! #rstats #cran @_r_foundation

CRAN Task Views provide a means to find and install pkgs that are relevant for a certain task (e.g., "MachineLearning", "Optimization", "Econometrics", etc.).

Thread (1/7):

Each task view page provides:

- Overview of how to use it.

- Information on #rstats pkgs for the topic.

- List of CRAN pkgs that can be installed.

- Links to other resources and pkgs on other repositories etc.

Example: Econometrics task view.…

Pkgs can be installed with pkg #ctv:

ctv::install.packages("Econometrics", coreOnly = TRUE)

installs all the econometrics core packages or


installs all packages that are not yet installed and up-to-date.


Each individual task view is maintained by a group of volunteers.

You can help them keeping the information complete, correct, and up to date by:

- Issues on the GitHub project page.

- Pull requests.

- E-mail to the maintainer.

Example: Econometrics GitHub repository.


The CRAN Task View Initiative is coordinated on GitHub by the newly formed CRAN Task View Editors: @RogerBivand, @eddelbuettel, @rocio_joo, David Meyer, @Natty_V2, @AchimZeileis…

Editors oversee the whole process and review/approve new task views.


On the CRAN Task View Initiative page you also find details on:

- Contributing to existing task views.

- File format and the ctv pkg.

- Code of conduct.

- Proposing new task views.


We look forward to _your_ contributions to the initiative!!

Thanks to:

- All task view maintainers.

- Everyone who contributed suggestions, etc.

- The CRAN team.

- My fellow editors.


Argh, typo/bug in the ctv package and on the web pages. It should be


Fixed now, thanks to the report from @Richard_Schwinn !

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