Achim Zeileis Profile picture
Statistics, science, software.
Apr 4, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
CRAN Task Views relaunched with many improvements! #rstats #cran @_r_foundation

CRAN Task Views provide a means to find and install pkgs that are relevant for a certain task (e.g., "MachineLearning", "Optimization", "Econometrics", etc.).

Thread (1/7): Screenshot of the task views overiew web page on CRAN: https Each task view page provides:

- Overview of how to use it.

- Information on #rstats pkgs for the topic.

- List of CRAN pkgs that can be installed.

- Links to other resources and pkgs on other repositories etc.

Example: Econometrics task view.… Screenshots of the econometrics task view web page on CRAN: Screenshots of the econometrics task view web page on CRAN: Screenshots of the econometrics task view web page on CRAN:
Dec 1, 2021 21 tweets 25 min read
Volume 100 of @jstatsoft: Software for Bayesian Statistics

Guest editors: @micameletti & @precariobecario

20 contributions on a wide range of methods #rstats #python #bayesian #inla @mcmc_stan #nimble #brms #rjags

URL: Editorial for the special volume 100 in the Journal of Stati Van Niekerk, Bakka, Rue, Schenk:

New Frontiers in Bayesian Modeling Using the INLA Package in R

#rstats #inla #bayesian…