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Apr 4, 2022, 6 tweets

📢We're pleased to announce that the new website for the #Yemen Economic Tracking Initiative (#YETI) is now live!

YETI provides a greater overall & comparative understanding of the current political-economic situation to support analysis for #Yemencrisis

Want to know all about the #Yemen Economy Tracking Initiative (#YETI)?

Join us for a webinar: 14 April at 2-3 PM Amman time on Zoom 🔗…

We'll discuss the 4 newly added modules & how you can get the most out of YETI to support response to the #Yemencrisis.

NOW LIVE: #YETI webinar
British Ambassador to #Yemen, Mr @RJOppenheim:

"The economy is central to much of what happens in Yemen.

YETI is a platform that provides all in one place: data on economic trends & developments, & analysis available to everyone".

The data we collect for #YETI also feeds into other analyses such as the Social Impact Monitoring report, published every two months.

This report outlines ppl's vulnerability to social & economic factors in #Yemen, & the impact these factors may have:…

#YETI data has been used as a source of information to support thematic, scenario & key trend analyses:

➡️#AlHodeidah fuel import & fuel price modelling…
➡️Impact of remittances on #Yemen's economy…
See more…

Many thanks to all of you for joining us for the #Yemen Economy Tracking Initiative #YETI webinar!

To receive all our new content on the #Yemencrisis & the latest updates of YETI, we encourage you to subscribe to the ACAPS Yemen Analysis Hub newsletter:

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