The intensifying youth protests to oust #SriLanka leaders are not only likely to force @GotabayaR, @PresRajapaksa, @RealBRajapaksa, and @RajapaksaNamal out of government, but also likely to bring down the entire failed political system…..
When we analyse the reason, it’s quite evident why this is taking place now. In a country which has increasingly seen politicians trying to enslave all the people using people's tax money, the new unprecedented revolution has given some hopes…..
The revolution by protest is the reactive expressions to the oppressions all Sri Lankans have been subjected to since the independence from British colony in 1948…..
Everywhere in Sri Lanka, the citizens have seen increasing political cronyism and elitism controlling them. Nobody is excluded. This has accelerated, gone to the climax level under Rajapaksas, according to elderly protesters…..
From an entrepreneur to large business, everybody needs political support to carry on their legitimate work and survive. If not, they will not get their work done at any level in the society. This has become the norm now and no bribe means, no work done. …
If you go to a government office and say you have been referred by a Rajapaksa or a close ally of Rajapaksa, then your work is done with no hassle. This is also true for all other influential politicians. The preferential treatment at its maximum now…..
If you are an average consumer, you will find many commodore they buy are included some illegal "political taxes" to benefit ruling politicians - this is true for everting - from cement to eggs, rice, to vegetable. Politicians are the biggest intermediaries and beneficials…
If you speak to somebody in shipping and crew handling, they will complaint about how their business is being screwed by a @GotabayaR’s close ally who owns a monopolised crew handing business. But they will not speak out in public, because of fear….
A small player in tile sector will say how @PresRajapaksa’s close ally #DhammikaPerera has destroyed all the small playeres and importers. But they will never come out to tell this in public….
People into rice business will tell you how they are at a losing end because what @MaithripalaS’s brother Dulldly Sirisena and his relative deputy minister have been screwing their business. But they will not come out in public……
Most minority people will tell you how their rights are discriminated when they go to government offices because of the ethnic/racial/religios divisions the politicians have created for their own survival…..
An average person will share his/her experience how he/she was discriminated in a court case because his defendant was so powerful and rich to deny justice. But this will never spoken openly…..
An average person who had gone through police torture will never speak about the abuses he/she went through because there is no fairness in the justice…..
Parents won’t speak openly how they were deprived of their child's school admission because of political cronyism and elitism. They won’t complaint outside how school sidelined their kids in sports, other activities because there was a child of an influential politician….
A woman will not come out and tell how she was sexually assualted in a public/privte/religious place because she will be seen as the lunatic in Sri Lanka's conservative society. The equal rights are only in the books. We are a male-dominated society….
What we see today is the burst of all these discriminations mainly led by lack of policy action by successive political leaderships. People are on the road to express themselves….
This is not just against #Rajapaksas and politiians, but against all those who have violated fundamental rights of fellow citizens…..
This revolution, which could be likely to have some foreign hand, will directly deal with the past policy lapses. However, it needs to answer the important question....What's next after bringing down the entire political systtem..
The revolution does not answer the key questions - What is the alternative? How should Sri Lanka correct its past mistakes? How are we gong to chose the next leadership in this country to lead with all the past mistakes corrected?
For now, protests are led by social media without leadership. But end results would be the crucial - if we need anarchy after removing the political system or we navigate these leaderless youth to exploit Sri Lanka's potential to become one of the strongest nation in the world?
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