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Apr 5, 2022, 10 tweets

“These fossil fuel companies [lobbyisyts] are pouring lies into our representatives ears … we have an opportunity to build a new green economy.” That’s right! 🔥
-@EmilyAssembly leads off presser/rally for #GasFreeNY gas ban on new construction.

“As young people we know how important this is… this is an affordable, practical step to fight climate change, cut pollution and create good jobs.” Calls on @NYSA_Majority @GovKathyHochul @NYSenDems to enact #GasFreeNY
-Maraki from @NYPIRG

Our emcee @LizAGMoran emphasizes we’re running out of time as the UN IPCC report released yesterday drives home.

Now 73 people on the call on a few hours notice. People want to see this enacted!

“Our leaders cannot allow fossil fuel interests to steamroll the state on the all-electric building act.”
-Annie from @weact4ej

.@BurdickAD93 drives home “this makes perfect sense. This makes the greatest sense from the perspective of saving the planet and saving in our pocketbook.” 🎯💯👍🏽exactly right! He is asking @NYSA_Majority @CarlHeastie to make this a priority for passage.

Our member Rachel explains what it’s like to be a survivor of a climate disaster who lost everything to the storm.
“We ran out into the night with nothing but what we had on… to this day me and my daughter suffer from PTSD from the storm.”
She calls for #GasFreeNY to pass NOW

Kevin an drilling & installing contractor who works in WNY and CNY explains that going fossil free technology works everywhere.

“New construction is the ideal spot to start weaning away from the fossil fuel industry.” 🎯

Avni from @agreenewyork
“We need to stop delaying common sense solutions.” Calls on @GovKathyHochul assembly and senate to move the bill in the budget.

“Upstate NY is the perfect place to install heat pumps.”
-Lisa from @HeatSmartTmpkns
Explains how someone went from 7k per year in costs to a few hundred dollars by going off fossil fuels and onto a geothermal heat pump. Saves money!

“The UN report [exposes] the power of the fossil fuel industry holding us back… in NY this comes as no surprise… it’s time for NYers like @CarlHeastie @NYSA_Majority to stand with people or the fossil fuel industry.”
-.@AlexAtFWW with @foodandwater
We agree 💯

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