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Apr 5, 2022, 15 tweets

BREAKING: Crucial thread ahead answering some of the outstanding questions about the five infant bodies found in DC brutally killed. (1/15)


@PAAUNOW confirms in a press conference that the bodies of the 5 infants were recovered from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services outside Cesare Santangelo’s abortion clinic in DC on Mar 25 when a driver gave the activists a box of aborted children set to be burned as medical waste

Curtis Bay’s website says it incinerates biomedical waste to turn into “useful energy”

The activists alerted @LiveAction, which documented the remains. They also alerted law enforcement, who, as requested, picked up the remains from the activist’s home.

@PAAUNOW activists named Baby Boy #1, Christopher. Experts have stated that Christopher may be nearly full-term. He is intact and may have been born alive before being left to die or drowned. 4/15

The activists named Baby Girl #1, Harriet. Multiple experts have noted that her injuries, including her severed neck and removed brain, may be consistent with an illegal partial-birth abortion. 5/15

The activists named Baby Girl #2, Holly.

Holly appears to be as old as 28 weeks old and was completely dismembered, her head crushed. Unless the child was given a lethal injection first, Holly may have been dismembered alive by Santangelo. 6/15

PAAU named Baby X, the baby born en caul, Pheonix. Experts have said this baby may be 28 weeks. It is highly possible this baby was born alive and then left to die.



Besides DC statute against illegal abortion, two federal laws may have been violated: The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.


The @DCPoliceDept admitted, as of last Friday, NO AUTOPSIES have been performed.

Media indicated this morning that @MayorBowser is calling the shots here. Why no investigation? Why no medical examination? These children deserve justice.


Cesare Santangelo has been under investigation by @LiveAction for years.

We have documented him on undercover camera, admitting to our pregnant investigator, that he would *NOT* help a born-alive infant in his clinic.

In other words, he would leave them to die.


Please join me in urging DC @MayorBowser to see that justice is done for these five infants by calling: (202) 727-2643.

Cesare Santangelo continues to operate his late-term butcher shop with impunity. How many more infants must die before justice is carried out?

News article with medical expert opinion on the remains of the children:…

Powerful mini-documentary on the five children:


Also: Lauren Handy @repreaux, one of the activists present when the driver gave PAAU the box of the remains, has been viciously slandered.

On a separate matter, she is now being persecuted by the DOJ for her non-violent, civil disobedience activism at abortion facilities. 14/15

Remember MLK: “An unjust law is not law at all.”

If you want to support Lauren, please consider donating to help cover her legal and living expenses at this trying time:…

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